Sunday, September 5, 2010

Seen Dining Recently

Buck's coming to town with his revamped O's.
Is Buck a schmuck? There's lots of evidence he is.
From El Duque in a recent anti-Ranger tirade
They hired Buck Showalter, the over-rated micromanager who's has a hardon for the Yankees ever since his dust-up with George. He failed in Arizona. He failed in Texas. Years later, managing the Rangers in the final game of the season, he pulled his entire starting lineup in the fifth inning of a game against California, thereby ensuring the Angels had the home field advantage against the the Yankees in the playoffs...

From a Ranger fan
He’s also got a very short shelf-life.  After one season playing for Showalter, Alex Rodriguez wanted out of Texas, and while ARod is generally painted as the bad guy for "forcing" a trade, as Showalter’s buddy Peter Gammons reported at the time, Showalter wanted Rodriguez out of Texas just as much, if not more, as Rodriguez wanted to be gone.  Showalter works best with low-ego guys, either young players or veteran journeymen.  His reputation is that he wants to be the star of the show…he considers himself the smartest guy in the room, and he’s not afraid to make sure everyone knows that.

Peter Gammons is his ass-licking buddy  From a recent rim job
Lesson No. 3: Buck Showalter is reminding the Orioles that they are Major League players. Yes, on his second day on the job, Showalter had the woebegotten O's out on the Camden Yards field for an hour in 105-degree heat. But when Brian Roberts called his father this week to wish Mike luck in the Cape Cod League finals, he told his dad, "This man loves baseball the way you and I love it."
The O's are going to get a heavy dose of fundamentals and attention to detail, the way Showalter built the Yankees, D-backs and Rangers from either chaos or, in the case of the D-backs, conception.

Case closed

1 comment:

Joe De Pastry said...

See also the sept 6 post on the Baseball Nerd website [Keith Olbermann]