Thursday, February 3, 2011

I really want To Know....

Alphonso joined me at the movies last night and, at supper afterwards, we discussed how absolutely bleak the world of sports is right at this moment.

The Super thing will finally roll out about midnight on Sunday. Whew.

We can watch two good teams playing in Disney stadium. Everyone has a suite. All climate is eliminated. And each CEO and staff watch on tv while texting their Hedge Fund guys.

So what I want to know is this:

When do pitchers and catchers report?

How many more nicknames of players do we have to categorize before something meaningful happens?

How many more bumper stickers must we design?

How many more clownish tricks does Cashman have to perform?

I feel like climbing into bed and ordering chinese until Tampa opens for spring training.



Anonymous said... about this...when is Andy gonna un-retire?

Mike Piazza said...

Is that broad named Alphonso?
Please say it ain't so that my man's man hero Alph is not hanging with he/she's