Sunday, October 4, 2009

10 Reasons Why We Want to Play Detroit in Round One (following an 18-inning playoff Monday)

1. It's always better to play a team that's been in decline, rather than rising. (Minnesota)

2. We owe them for 2006.

3. Verlander can't pitch twice.

4. Never have to hear the word "Carl Pavano."

5. Don't have to subject Damon's knees to Dome's concrete-like artificial turf.

6. Destitute Detroit fans will sell tickets to rich NY bankers, lessening home crowd advantage.

7. Instead of Joe Mauer, Gerald Laird.

8. After Granderson, nobody steals bases.

9. Their closer's ERA is 4.42.

10. Possiblity of hearing Emimen sing National Anthem.


Anonymous said...

Playoff would be Tuesday moron get your facts straight

el duque said...

Monday, Tuesday, bah. Don't mess me up with trivia when I'm on a roll.

The Ghost of Scott Brosius said...

Actually I want to see Carl Pavano in the playoffs...he owes us one

dadlak said...

#10 is reason enough. Geaux Tigers!

Anonymous said...

Carl Pavano's gift to us will come in the form of 5 runs given up in the pre-playoff, allowing us to face Detroit.

Dr. Brown said...

La Problema, EL Grand Duque is thus: Verlander can still pitch twice- Games 2- on a full 4 days rest, (assuming the Yanks opt for the 8 day series, whateverthehell that means) followed by Game 5, on 3 days rest, but who cares with the season on the line, he's still dangerous.

Thank God we have Joba......not.

Anonymous said...

I concur and second the motion.