Monday, October 12, 2009

"Idiot!" John condemns the Minnesota runner

Baserunning blunders costs the Twins whatever chance they had in the AL playoffs. But John Sterling came down hardest on one particular runner. Gomez? Punto? Take a guess...


Alibi Ike said...

Were those ALL Alphonso?

Unknown said...

Main Entry: re·cal·ci·trant
Pronunciation: \-trənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin recalcitrant-, recalcitrans, present participle of recalcitrare to be stubbornly disobedient, from Latin, to kick back, from re- + calcitrare to kick, from calc-, calx heel
Date: 1843
1 : obstinately defiant of authority or restraint

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the gratuitous use of Ecstasy of Gold in these little videos.

Elusive Alph said...

They were all me except fpr the babe.
Then, again, I was younger last week.

And more "fit."
And faster and more elusive.

Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

Thank you SRF. I immediately jumped at that one as well.

Alibi Ike said...

So what word did he mean instead of "recalcitrant"? Miscreant? Recreational nudist? Reactionary?

Or is he coining this word as a noun?

dadlak said...

Random House Unabridged Dictionary gives a third definition of recalcitrant as a noun - a recalcitrant person.

As usual, John is broadening our knowledge of the English language with his commentary.