Monday, October 5, 2009

Miguel Cabrera comes home to wife a bit on the melky side

Great news, Tiger fans!

This, amid your two most important games of the season!
Gotta be feeling good about the playoffs!


lackaperspective said...

He blew a 0.26 blood alcohol content at the police station sometime after 7 a.m. then played less than 12 hours later...

...In other words, he was still shitfaced during Saturday night's game!

Anonymous said...

Im outraged! Suspend him from baseball!

(after the tie breaker game)

Rob A from BBD said...

12 hours is plenty of time to sober up enough to play. It's even enough time to get over a hangover. He was probably tired from staying up all night though.

Anonymous said...

12 hours is not plenty of time if you are drinking like a man.

Kenny Phelps said...

Wade Boggs would drink him under the table.

Fair and Sober Alph said...

Mickey Mantle and Billy Martin used to do this before every game.

And so did I,

What's the big deal?

The Twins are going to beat them any way.