Monday, December 7, 2009

Alphonso up for prestigious acting award

Tom Hanks won't sleep tonight.


dadlak said...

Meh. How "prestigious" can this award really be? IT IS HIGH isn't even listed among She-Fan's favorite Yankee web sites.

I encourage Alphonso to refuse the award.

Stang said...

Yes it is. Look again!

dadlak said...

My bad. Go for it, Alphonso. Everyone else, vote Alphonso!

dadlak said...

I'm on a roll here. Alphonso already lost. Vote for Yankee Blogger of the Decade instead.

Bollywood Alph said...

I have already registered a "point of order " complaint with She-Fan.

You can't let a 4 year old Yankee fan into the running.

I mean, who is not going to vote for her ( aside from me, of course)?

She-Fan said...

Alphonso, it was the lighting. If only people could have seen your animal magnetism....