Monday, December 14, 2009

Granderson Ranked Top Yankee "Curtis" in History

The Rankings

2. Chad Curtis
3. Blefary
4. Pride
5. Young
6. Flood (broke baseball reserve clause)
7. Gowdy (former broadcaster)
8. Sliwa (fan)
9. Mayfield (could really sing)
10. LeMay (Army General, loved "the Bombers")


Snatch said...

Chad Curtis hates you all.

Stang said...

While you're fooling around with polls and lists, The Red Sox are signing John Lackey.

Joe DePastry said...

You are perpetuating a myth.
Flood didn't beat the reserve clause; he lost.
Former Yankee Andy Messerschmidt and Dave McNally beat it in an arbitration case.

Alphonso said...

Curtis Granderson will be hated and reviled in NY.

He is part of a 4 man platoon in CF and will hit .220. He will not hit anything against lefties.

What a joke His 40 yard time on grass is now down to 6.5 seconds flat. Which is slower than me.

We gave away players for this?

Did the Yanks get a cash rebate?