Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It is time to vote for IT IS HIGH Yankee Executive of the Decade

After long, agonizing deliberations -- this is why we get paid the big bucks -- we have chosen NOT to allow biological members of the Steinbrenner family to compete. It wouldn't be fair. Moreover, it would be wrong. We cannot pit brother against brother, sister against sister, brother against sister, children against dad. No.

In-laws... that's another thing.

Therefore, the nominees are...

Damon Oppenheimer, former director of scouting

Mark Newman, senior vice president, baseball operations

Randy Levine, president

Lonn A. Trost, chief operating officer

Felix M. Lopez, senior vice president

Steve Swindal, former vice president

Reggie M. Jackson, former special assistant

Gene Michael, senior advisor

Brian Cashman, senior vice president

Jason Zillo, director, media relations

Kim Ng, former assistant general manager

Jean Afterman, vice president

C. Stump Merrill, special assistant to the president

W.J. Billy Connors, former special assistant

Constantino Martinez, special assistant


dadlak said...

The Yankiverse thanks you for the quick response to its plea for a new YODA poll.

This is some list of suits. I even recognize a few of the names. I had to vote for Stump (along with Cashman and Reggie, of course). What a great name.

Here's hoping that IIH Yankee Blogger of the Decade is next. That should be some show.

Unknown said...

Cashman landslide

Anonymous said...

The ability to vote for more than one candidate ruins the sanctity of the YODA elections.

She-Fan said...

I seem to be the only one who wants Jason Zillo to win. Sigh.

Alphonso said...


I thought you hated him.

Didn't you read your book?

Or am I already " false recalling" or " recalling falsely"?

Yankeemeg said...

I really hope Randy Levine wins, bringing honor and prestige to all red-headed stepchildren around the world.