Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake !!!!

Last night, worlds collided.

She-Fan hosted a fete at her lakeside cottage and Michael grilled the best swordfish ever caught.

With the Yankees being robbed of a 9 inning win, due to a blind call at second base ( Kinsler was out stealing by 4 feet and scored a needless run, as a result of being called safe ), I was nonetheless blown away by a perfect Yankee cap disguised as a chocolate cake.

If you venture to the calmer and far more charming Yankee blog site of She-Fan, you can see a video on this 100% edible joy.

My first reaction upon seeing the " secret desert" was legit and fabulous, as all who witnessed it will attest.

The film version, which could not be as spontaneous, will be stilted and stiff, as am I on camera.

She must have heard the story of how I once dropped my face into a pristine pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, at a semi-family gathering.

But I did eat the brim of the Yankee cake hat, and it was great, although I had a blue tongue for 13 hours.

I am going to send each member of that umpiring crew a Yankee hat-cake. They deserve blue tongues for their hateful, home-team calls.

As proper guests are wont to do, we brought Michael his favorite rasberry/peach pie. I told him I had it shaped to look like the pitcher's mound at Yankee stadium, seen from above.


She-Fan said...

Did you see your video yet? Is your tongue still blue?

Alph said...

My tongue will remain Yankee blue forever.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Bud SElig's storm troopers are on the way to the sugar hoot right now.

I be she doesn't have an official MLB (tm) license to use the mlb and Yankee logos.

Someone may mistake this for 'official' Bud Selig (@$$-whole) sanctioned game gear.