Saturday, February 7, 2009

A-Rod Pee'd Hot in 2003

Dear Alex,

Thank you. This news could not have come at a better time.
Admit nothing. Keep the Press guessing and please drag this out till 2012.

Michael Phelps


Anonymous said...

I need a suicide hotline number. This is more than I can take! Who are the other 103 players?

Anonymous said...

Not RedSox players.

They play the game right.

Stang said...

Hey, anonymous: Redsocks play the game "right" by not risking their health for competitive advantage? Because they don't care enough? And you admire that?

I pity you.

Stang said...

By the way: excellent reporting, MillerCoors Huggins. The Phelps connection still eludes the old-media dinosaur Buster Olneys and Steve Phillipses. It will dominate coverage once it dawns on them, in about three months.