Monday, October 5, 2009

In one inning, Arod eliminates his last excuse for a bad October

With 7 meaningless RBIs in one meaningless inning in one meaningless game, Alex Rodriguez yesterday added a new level of meaning to the next three weeks of his life.

For the record, he has now reached official Arod seasonal numbers of average, runs batted in and home runs, the Holy Trinity of measurement for hitters. The historians can call it a slight ARod off-year, but most others would hang their career on it. He can't enter the playoffs in the throes of a slump. No, sir. He just enjoyed one of his great career meaningless days.

Thus, the question: Will his career be meaningless?

I hate to say this, but over the years, I've grown really fond of the guy. He's furnished a lifetime of punch lines. He takes more bullets in one season than most MLB teams take in a decade. I'm sure he hates blogs like ours. (And if he goes 0-20 in the next five games, he will have more reason than ever.)

But it's time to close ranks. The guy may never be a clutch hitter, but he's always answered the bell. Manny Ramirez is a clutch at bat. Manny Ramirez purposely strikes out. Maybe I'm nuts. I'd take Arod in a heartbeat.

So here it comes... the next installment of the Alex Rodriguez great American novel. Where from here? Stay tuned.

But he has no excuse, and only himself to blame.


Anonymous said...

If John were here, he'd point out that nearly half of A-Rod's 2009 season RBIs either tied the game or put the Yankees ahead. He and Suzyn would be flabbergasted and amazed to hear you or anyone say that A-Rod is not clutch.

Anonymous said...

When did A-Rod ever make excuses?

He usually falls on the sword and is the cover for the rest of the team not to have to make excuses.

Mariano blows a save in 2004, it was A-Rod's fault.

2 outfielders run into each other in Anaheim, it was A-Rod's fault.

Starting pitcher's can't get the job done, it's A-Rod's fault.

He's the best teammate any of these guys has ever had because he takes the barbs so they don't have to yet gets little credit when he gets it done.

lackaperspective said...

"He's the best teammate any of these guys has ever had because he takes the barbs so they don't have to yet gets little credit when he gets it done."

Gee Anonymous, I've got to hand it to you. I don't know how you are able to do in but obviously you're able to overlook the self-absorbtion and insincerity (ref: The Post-Steroid Revelation Conference, et al) that is A-Rod. In your light, I guess he is a great teammate.

Then again, if A-Rod hits .300 in the playoffs with an OPS of 900+ I think any current Yankee would call him a great teammate.

Anonymous said...

Any Yankee fan that has a problem with Arod needs stop voting immediately. Be it federal elections, local, blog polls. Please just stop polluting the collective.

Anonymous said...


My perspective is just fine.

My priest and mother are both sincere and not self absorbed. I however don't want either one playing 3rd base for the NY Yankees.

I don't know A-Rod, maybe you do. He may be the nicest guy in the world or a complete jackass. Doesn't matter to me one way or another. I'm not related to him, married to him and have no desire to be his best friend.

The guy works hard, plays hard, has a cannon for an arm and can hit a baseball a country mile. That's all I care about in a baseball player.

el duque said...

Stop arguing, dammit. We need a united front going into the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

Call him Mister October 4th.