Monday, October 5, 2009

Kimberly Jones Elected September YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH

The grass ceiling is no more.

YES Network hostess Kimberly Jones, who took over for superstar colorlady Suzyn Waldman on a burning hot, driven by Jeep weekend with John in Seattle, is the first woman ever elected to the prestigious, though slightly cursed, honor of YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH.

She outpolled her temporary booth companion, John Sterling, by one solitary vote. Yes, one.

Congratulations, Mrs. Jones. In honor of your victory, we quote Bob Dylan...

You walk into the clubhouse
Microphone in your hand
You see Molina naked
And you say, "Who is this man?"
You ask him questions
He doesn't understand;
Just what should you say
When you get home?

Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is,
Do you, Mrs. Jones?


dadlak said...

More Dylan!

Whitey Fraud said...

The title has be devalued by electoral shenanigans, so whatever.

Austin Powers said...

You couldn't find a cleavage shot?

Piss poor reporting.

bangin said...

Congrats Kim, remember the first time you walked into the Steelers locker room? A moment I am glad I was able to share.