Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lest we forget...

We miss the Wanger and hope he's recovering from his injuries and will be back next year.

Thinking of you, pal and wish you were here!


Jim Leyritz's Cellmate said...

Screw Adenhart and HK, the Yanks are winning this for the Wang.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about Wang today. :(

She-Fan said...

That was really sweet to post about Wanger. I hope he's not feeling too left out. Same with Nady, even though he was just a brief Yankee.

Stanley Presentz said...

He's a True Yankee. 'Nuff said,

Anonymous said...


Alphonso the Compassionate. said...

Wang who?

He is just another flop who screwed us.

He has spent 90% of his time, both in the minors and with the big club, in a hospital , having surgery.

His arm, his foot, his shoulder, his neck, his head, his eye ball, his finger.

He'll be flipping burgers in Taiwan next season.

No sentiment allowed !!!

The Wangler said...

Alphonso who?