Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jonah Bloomberg?

The Pulp of Record asks a long-overdue, does-the-emporer-wear-pants question:

Do the Yankees face a Michael Bloomberg curse?

Two mayor terms. No World Championship. Nothing.

We missed it. Dammot, it was right in front of us, and we didn't see. We refused to see. But now our eyes are opened.

This season, our winning streaks coincided with the deaths of name-brand celebrities, such as Ed McMahon and Michael Jackson, and the tragic breaking of the Pope's wrist. His Excellency is back at full prayer strength, hopefully not praying faves in the post.

But Bloomberg -- dammot, right beneath our noses! He's was always suspected of Redsock allegiance. Two terms, no ring. It's like in Minority Report, where Tom Cruise finds out that the real weasel is his boss, Max Von Sydow! In fact, it's always Max Von Sydow. What if this guy is Max Von Sydow? That's some batshit Yankee juju. And what if he gets re-elected?


Anonymous said...

Very possible, but we will have to wait until after the post season to confirm... As for now I am blaiming Bush...We win in 2000 before the election and have not for the next 8 years!

Anonymous said...

Bush and Bobby Abreu.

Anonymous said...

The Anonymous are unanimous. It was Bush.

Anonymous said...

Obama's becoming the worst President since Carter or possibly James Buchanan, and this site is still talking about Bush, Cheney et al. Denial is unbecoming but understandable at this point.

Anonymous said...

This denial is indeed outrageous! People making a largely non-judgmental statement of fact that the Yankees did not win a World Series during the Bush administration. I am so sick of these Socialist Yankee John Sterling Tribute/Parody Site-Going Scumbag Commie Nazis ruining our blogs and country.

Anonymous said...

Jeebus. Does any commenters here use a handle here?

Oh wait...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anom#4 is correct. Obama is the worst President EVAH. Bush was way better. Just look at his record. The worst terrorist attack on US soil, the drowning of a major metropolitan city, and the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression all to show for himself. And during this Great American's reign, he single handedly lifted the small-market sawks who play only for the child-like joy of the game and a bale of hay to glory.