Sunday, December 6, 2009

Letter to the Editor: World at War... Jersey on fire

Gloucester County Times (New Jersey)
December 2, 2009 Wednesday

To the Editor:

This is in reference to Joanne Warner's Nov. 29 letter, "No cause to cry for loyal Phils' fans' (which replied to an earlier letter from my husband accusing Phillies' fans of being crying losers after the Yankees won the World Series):

My husband, C. P. Crisante, has been a devoted Yankees' fan for more than 50 years and yes, he's from South Jersey. Not everyone has to root for the Phillies.

I take it by the way that Warner described the ("hick") malls in New York, that she's never been out of South Jersey.

It's not so much the Philly ball team we have issues with, but the frustrated fans who can't handle the fact that the New York Yankees won.

And no, despite Warner's supposition, we don't like the Dallas Cowboys. But we like the New York Giants. We stay with our teams.

Donna Crisante

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