Monday, January 26, 2015

"Why did Derek Jeter die?": The wise and terrifying analysis of the Yankees, according to Google search questions

Have you ever wondered what Google knows about us, based on their algorithmic analyses of our searches? I thought I'd see what they know about the Yankees? For example, type in a simple open-ended question... and Google supplies the punch.

Why do the Yankees wear polyester? From what inquiring minds did that come? It gets a little weirder if you merely change the tense...

Hmm. People wondered why we released Soriano? Well, he stunk out the joint. That's why. Why did we retire 8 twice? Yogi and Dickey. OK, let's look into the future...

Not much there. Either way, I figured we have just invented a fun little parlor game, sort of like a Google Ouija board. And then this happened...

That's it. I'm outahere.


Leinstery said...

"why do the yankees always win meaning"

I've read that line 5 times and still don't have a clue what it means. Does it mean:
"why do the yankees always win? I'm looking for the meaning of this question since all they do is lose and I have no idea why anyone would ever say that."
Or have that many people actually typed such a grammatically retarded question? The sad thing is since the beginning of writing this I believe it's the former.

Blind Robin said...

Type: "why do the yankees always win meaning" in a google search you'll get the gist.

JM said...

Type it with quotes like Robin says and guess what the only link is? Nyuck nyuck.