Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yankees Who We're Pretty Sure Never Juiced: Vol 1

In Billy Martin's day, being vain meant gold watches and pinky rings.

Louisiana Lightning made Adrien Brody look fat. No way he cheated.

Do you see the love of the game in Butch's eyes? In his posture? No way he'd have stooped so low.

Viagra, maybe. But the juice? Never.

If anything, it was glandular.


Anonymous said...

For the record, I don't think Colter Bean juiced.

I'm Bill White said...

Put him in Vol. 2.

I tried to find pictures of Wayne Tolleson, Ron Hassey, and Paul Zuvella, but it was not easy.

If you can, consider adding them, too.

Anonymous said...

Lenn Sakata never juiced. The whole 1980s organization never juiced.

What do we want? Juiced or the 1980s?

Stang said...

What, no 'Hot Pee' tag?

I'm Bill White said...


Thank you for your comment. We appreciate you taking the time to weigh in on technical matters.

We share your concern that the entry should have had a "Hot Pee" tag. Rest assured that any future post on this topic will be tagged appropriately.

Anonymous said...

I think Ron Coomer did juice.

And I have juiced many, many times.

Anonymous said...

Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich must have juiced. How else to explain them?