Monday, October 5, 2009

Girardi grapples with tough issue: Should we send more troops to protect leads?

On the 8th anniversary of our failed mission in the desert of Arizona, Joe Girardi is wrestling with perhaps the most intense decision he has yet faced as leader of the Yankiverse:

Should he -- as Dave Eilland wants -- deploy more troops to the Yankee pitching staff for the final campaign?

Or should we cut and run -- that is, with the likes of Freddie Guzman placed on the active roster for the purpose of stealing bases?

Will more arms allow us to finally bring security to the lawless middle innings, which in past Octobers have cost us so many valiant efforts?

We cannot begin to advise Girardi on this tough matter. But we do say this: Pitching coaches always want more arms. If they had their way, it would be a 15-pitcher roster, with 10 of them receiving starters' salaries for lefty-only work.
For better or worse, we must draw a line in the sand and stick to it. We are, after all, baseball's superpower.


MattG said...

Great youtube compilation someone made off all the yankee walk-off wins... ... think we can get a sterling compilation of all the walkoff winwarbles?

Wade Bogg's Stache said...

Great Find!