Sunday, October 4, 2009

Top 10 Post-Season Match-Ups Ranked by Story Lines

1. YANKS V DODGERS. New Joe v. old Joe. NY v. LA. Arod v. Manny. Yanks v Thome, Mientkiewicz, Jeff Weaver. Manhattan v Hollywood.

2. DODGERS V. ANGELS. LA v. LA. First-ever freeway WS. Joe v. old nemesis. Hollywood v. Disneyland. Root for the earthquake.


4. DETROIT V. ANYBODY. Embattled city unites behind team, blah-blah-blah. Cue "Fever Pitch II."

5. DODGERS V. REDSOCKS. Joe v. Terry. Return of Manny. Ramirez v. Pappi in man-tit contest. Battle of steroids.

6. ANGELS V. YANKS. LA v NY. Cream pie v. Rally Monkey. Tex v. ex-team. Jeff Weaver's bro. Bobby Abreu. Juan Rivera.

7. CARDINALS V. REDSOCKS. Replay of 2004 WS. Albert.

8. REDSOCKS V. ANGELS. Boston owns them. Root for the earthquake, followed by asteroid.

9. PHILLIES V. CARDS. Two NL powers. Albert v. Ryan. Pedro. If Philly wins, another F-bomb?

10. ROCKIES V. TWINS. Cinderellas. Outside Minnesota & Denver, cue NFL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yankees vs Cardinals

Yankees in 5

See you next year.