Saturday, July 17, 2010

After winning a game, instead of pies, should the hero Yankee run madly down the field, slide to his knees and tear off his shirt?

Let's face it. We'll never figure out the vuvenzela thing. But the other great enduring moment of the World Cup was the Pamela Anderson moment: the goal-scorer runs excitedly, flings himself to the earth and tears off his shirt, showing a divine pair of breasts.

Frankly, pies are sooo 2009. It's time for a new act, and snuggies are not an option.


alphonsela said...

I thought it was vulvazela. What must I be thinking?

Joe De Pastry said...

I'm thinking the guy who gets the game-winning hit should get to motorboat Kim Jones. Only if that's OK with her, of course.