Monday, November 3, 2008

"Gosh, every kid growing up dreams about the pinstripes..."

From the mouth of Padres starting pitcher Jake Peavy.

Depending on the cost (and no, Melky, Ransom and IPK isn't getting it done), would you want Peavy on your team?

Let's not forget, this is the same kid that filled his jock with Icy Hot ointment because Roger Clemens told him he did it to keep himself uncomfortable on the mound. You know what they say: Monkey see, Monkey do.

Doesn't strike me as a bright 'fella. And, he is from Alabama.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, if they could sign CC, forget Lowe, Burnett, Perez.

They should trade Hughes, Kennedy, Veras and another B prospect for Peavy.

CC, Peavy, Wang, Joba, Pettitte/Coke/ Aceves would be sick.


Anonymous said...

I have one concern:

I'm not sure a Yankee should be named "Peavy."

We're learned no Yankee should be named "Smalley."

Peavy sounds like a Padre.

Great Yankees: "Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Peavey..." Not sure.

michael kei said...

I agree with duque... "Peavy" just doesn't ring a bell with me

Yankee Shamus said...

I'm scared of NL pitchers, personally. Especially ones that come from pitcher-friendly parks:

Pavano=ProPlayer Stadium

Anonymous said...


Peavy sucks.

adam said...

HOLYSHIT if we got Peavy that would be unbelievable. I do. not. care. if he's from the NL. I do. not. care. if he's from the most pitcher-friendly park in the country.


Anonymous said...

Love that "roger clemens crotch" is a tag.

And this deal is not going to happen. He's staying in the NL.