Saturday, August 7, 2010

Oy Vey!

Brian Cashman is IRISH???

Who knew??


Marty Feldman said...

News flash: There are Irish Jews, you idiot. English ones too, putz.

David Ballela said...

I'm sure Whitey knows that. Your criticism is unnecessary. Bug off Bug eyes.

The Ghost of Scott Brosius said...

Cashman graduated the Catholic University of America. I think that's kind of a tip-off that he might not be jewish

Whitey Fraud said...

I have plenty of goyishe friends who send their kids to Jewish pre-schools, so that's no proof!

Then again, C-Money DOES pay retail, so...

Anonymous said...

Buck Foston says,

Not everyperson who's name ends in berg, stien or man is jewish.