Thursday, October 1, 2009

Joba's Trade Value Drops to "Fire-Sale" Level


Several weeks ago, I proposed that the Yankees trade Joba while his market value, well, still had value.

I thought we could get a mid-range draft pick, given Joba's age, reformed drinking habits, and his newly engaged car service.

There had to be some team out there who still remembered his relief work when he broke into the league.

There must be some GM who realizes how dumb the Yankees have been, trying to convert a resource that was almost perfect ( Joba's 8th inning strengths ), to a role that has become delusional and laughable.

There should be some " riverboat gambler " type GM out there, who thinks Joba could be re-habbed and repositioned into an amazing set-up guy, in training to become one of the league's dominant closers for years to come. In fact, there have to be at least 31 GM's out there who know that.

There must be some over-hyped draft pick the Yankees would be happy to take for Joba and some cash.

But after last night..........????? I think the gild is off the Joba lilly.

We would have more luck converting Tex to play shortstop than we'll ever have converting Joba to start. Unless, of course, he returns to Scranton to break Kei Igawa's league record for wins.

In the immediate future, I think the Yankees will get more out of Freddy Guzman on our playoff roster ( our career, minor league base stealer who does not steal for the Yankees ), than we can out of Joba. For sure,he is a better base-runner.

Would you ever start Joba in a game that mattered? Chad Gaudin is safer.

Would you trust Joba to "hold the fort" if we are down 6-1 at the end of four innings against the Angles?

Now that we can't trade him, and can't use him properly, and have messed with his head so egregiously that he isn't sure what sport he is playing, we need a do-over for him.

Send him back to Nebraska to pitch and we'll call him up some mid-night to be the bridge for Ian Kennedy to MO.


adam said...

I still think you're a retard, Alphonso. Remember: he's twenty-fucking-four. He won't reach anywhere near his peak for another four to five years. They're doing the right thing; you'll see.

I'm Bill White said...

I love watching C-SPAN.

Gringo Starr said...

Joba needs another stern chat from C-Money and Joey G.

Anonymous said...

Where were you last week?

Anonymous said...

How come Skankee fans boo their own players? WTF ?