Monday, January 10, 2011

The Hate That Kills

We joke a lot here about the Yankee haters of this world, but here's a sad case of a hate that
killed a member of the Yankee family (as well as the Mets and Phillies). Dallas Green's granddaughter was one of the six people slain in Arizona by some twisted, hateful character.
No one knows what demons this guy had, but you have to wonder whether the kind of  rhetoric spread by organizations like Sarahpac contributed to an atmosphere of increasing violence.
from credoaction
Sarah Palin has a special responsibility and opportunity in the wake of the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. ..... And so far, Palin's response has been Facebook prayers for the victims and an official denial that her widely distributed map involved gun sights at all. This is obscene duplicity at best.
Let us be clear. We do not know why the shooter targeted Rep. Giffords. Sarah Palin did not arm him or pull the trigger. .............
But only Sarah Palin put 20 Democratic members of Congress in her crosshairs, and only Sarah Palin bragged that 18 are now gone, leaving Rep. Giffords and Rep. Nick Rahall of West Virginia.
Someone has to say it. There has been an astonishing acceleration of violent right wing rhetoric. At the same time, the mainstream media has come to accept armed revolution (second amendment remedies) and violence as legitimate political discourse instead of calling it out as behavior that crosses a very dangerous line.


JM said...

It's been going on for quite a while now, but you're absolutely correct. And the mainstream media is bullshit...they stopped working their jobs almost 10 years ago after a 20-year slowdown. We can't expect anything from them, they've proven that.

Alph the seer said...

I can guarantee that Republicans in power everywhere privately cheered this assasignation. And Sarah slapped her thighs, while primping at the Ritz.

She will, of course, soon be on FOX saying how horrible this was.....

Not that they wanted anyone but the congresswoman and judge shot, but there is always collateral damage in war. I mean, how much do the Republicans grieve for the civilians regularly killed by us in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Like, never.

I can imagine John Bahyner (I haven't bothered to learn to spell his name because I can't stand looking at him ) pumping his fist with a huge "yesssss," while munching on caviar in his Ohio family room, before he went on TV to decry the tragedy.

And, for sure, Bill O'Reilly will tell us this is the work of a lunatic. Not so sure what glenn beck will say.

But just as the republicans use the ignorance of their followers to entice them to vote against their own interests, they don't mind when their rhetoric ( take aim, right Sarah?) causes some fringe character to unload ammo on a Democrat, even better on a woman Democrat.

So, he'll hang, his family and friends will be in purgatory forever. And maybe the republicans can claim win her seat in Congress. Maybe some Democrat of talent won't run out of fear.

Collateral damage.

Hypocrisy and fascism are alive and well. We are in a war.

Anonymous said...

The liberal DailyKos website had a similar graphic up targeting her Gifford for months. Where is that in your story? Where is that image? I can send you the link if you don't want to look for it. It is not the Republicans, it is both sides. For you to politicize this tragic event, on a light hearted sports blog, is shameless.

el duque said...

Who says this is a lighthearted sports blog? Have EVEN read the things we've said about Kevin Youkilis?

Stang said...

Brave of you to speak up, anonymous. Thank you for your service.

Joe De Pastry said...

Alph, I understand the anger, but you went a bit over the top there in your first sentence. Don't go all reverse-Glenn-Beck on us.
Wish we had some Yankee news to write about. Like how about "Cashman to Pettitte: Stop being a diva; you got 24 hours to make up your freakin' mind!"

Hermodorus said...

Post-Vichy Centrism ... alive and well on my favorite sports blog!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

stick to the baseball and keep your hands out of the political scene

Joe De Pastry said...

Anonymous the 2nd:
The word is spelled "YOU'RE", not "YOUR;" it's a contraction for "YOU ARE."