Friday, June 14, 2024

On a day of multiple bad omens, Yank fans wonder: Is this the wall we so feared?


So, here we go. ..


The Beans. The Frat Boys. The Idiots. The Bosox. The Olde Towners. The Hub. The Sawx. The Crimson Hose. 

The S.O.B.s. 

Nearly three months in, it's our first first weekend at Fenway. It's the homecoming for Verdugo. A night of fires, looting and street violence (if/when the Celtics win.)  The night after a crushing walk-off loss. The night after Aaron Judge's first full-scale meltdown in nine weeks.

Be afraid. Be very afraid... 

1. Let's start with Judge. Last time he went 0-for-4 with four Ks was April 20, against hateful Tampa. We lost that game 2-0, in ten. (Ironically, Nestor Cortes also pitched it.) At the time, Judge was hitting a meager .179, and the Chicken Littles openly opined that he was secretly injured. 

As we all know, he went on a tear, beginning May 4. It hadn't ended until, gulp, maybe yesterday?  

But but BUT... no panicking here. Yesterday, the sun was so brutal that, early in the game, Suzyn Waldman grumbled that is was hard to see the field. She lamented the glare off the grass and the oppressive heat - 90 degrees on the field - that roiled through the press box. After all, this is Kansas City, heat domes and tornados. But a hellish day for baseball, and the Yankees nearly were no-hit by a middling fifth starter.  

2. Unfortunately, that didn't help Clay Holmes. The Royals saw him just fine. Holmes became the first MLB closer to blow his fourth save. (He is 19-for-23 in save opportunities, and batters are hitting .263 against him, the highest BA against closers, with the exception of KC's James McArthur, whose ERA is over 5.00.)  The worst part of this? Holmes was done in by a nubber, a virginal bouncer between the mound and first base. Neither he nor Anthony Rizzo could figure it out. Shit happens, I guess. Two minutes later, the walk-off double. 

For now, here's the big takeaway: A one-run lead is not enough. Holmes dominated in April. Now, his every appearance is a Chapmanesque misadventure, sort of like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, where you wonder how Larry's going to get himself into trouble. But it's not just Holmes who is cracking. The entire bullpen is faltering. Wednesday night, with an 11-1 lead, Boone had to call in Luke Weaver, who is also showing distress signs, to staunch the bleeding. Tonight, if we're lucky enough to have a lead, somebody's gotta pitch the ninth. I have no idea who that person will be. 

3. But look... If they said we'd win three out of four in KC, who wouldn't have signed up? Next is Boston, who clobbered the Phillies last night. They're a bunch of slobs wrapped around Rafael Devers, who could beat us single-handedly. 

They've moved the game up a half-hour, so Boston fans can watch the Celtics. The Yankees have better make short work of Boston, or they'll be stuck in the victory riots, while driving to the hotel. During such happy events, while they're breaking windows and shooting each other, Boston fans used to spontaneously chant "YANKEES SUCK!" Now, I'm not so sure they care. Right now, they're a game above .500. We better not let them get up off the mat. 


AboveAverage said...

Here’s a little experiment.

Please - try this at home.

Close your eyes and imagine that it’s 1966. You’re in a Burbank, California recording studio. Neal Hefti, his orchestra and his chorus are in the studio laying down tracks for a theme song for an upcoming TV show called BATMAN.

They’re just about done. Neal turns to you and asks:

Mr Average (please insert YOUR name here). Is there anything else you’d like for us to record, because if not, that’s a wrap.

Thinking about it for a sec - it comes to you.

You know that opening sting where the chorus sings BATMAN? Well - have them try this instead.

You quickly write something down, tear out the page and hand it to Neal.

Is this some kind of future Yankees blog thing, Mr Average?

You smile and nod.

Well lettuce lay her down!

Five minutes later - everyone’s up to speed and they get it in one take.



HoraceClarke66 said...

Love it, AA!

HoraceClarke66 said...

So, in 2022, your New York Yankees at this point were...52-19.

Things were about to start going wobbly, though. Two days later, they were no-hit by Houston. Still, they didn't collapse all at once, getting to 70-34 before the Midnight Massacre at the trade deadline. Then...29-29 the rest of the way in. Which in retrospect does not seem so disastrous. But we knew that team was cooked.

This year? All the soundings are bad. And the last place we want to be now is in the Fens.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Home of the Racist Townie Assholes (tm).

I am meeting people for lunch in that backwater tomorrow. Hope all the burned out cars are removed from the streets by then.

JM said...

"Holmes couldn’t protect a 3-2 lead, earning his third blown save since May 20 and his fourth of the year."

Three blown saves in less than a month, and the guy wasn't even IN very many games.

Holmes is not a closer. Too much contact. Contact leads to trouble, like the little grounder between Holmes and Rizzo. Batters are hitting .268 against him. Jesus, that's awfully high for a "closer." This--this--may easily be a bigger problem than our historically lousy performance against lame pitchers who are not well known to us.

Maybe Cashman won't re-sign him after this year. And God didn't make little green apples.

AboveAverage said...

Oh Christ! Then where did the little green apples come from, JM?

DickAllen said...

This bullpen is like eating cold pizza for breakfast: flat, stale, and way past its prime.

JM said...

It's a mystery, AA. Like the trinity (Tinker to Evers to Chance) or the virgin birth (Hal's children).

JM said...

Conor Foley
Everson Pereira has been placed on the RailRiders’ full-season injured list, the team says.

SS Oswald Peraza 0-5, 2 K
C Ben Rice 0-5, 2 K
1B T.J. Rumfield 2-3, BB
CF Greg Allen 2-3, 2B, HBP

JM said...

Greg Allen. Remember him?

Season over for Pariah. Poor guy.

TheWinWarblist said...

"A virginal bouncer between the mound!?" That did it for me. Excuse I need a few moments to compose myself.

BTR999 said...

Yeah, Pereira done for the year. In true NYY fashion they won’t say why.

Peraza and Periera
Couldn’t get no higher
Than Scranton
You know where it’s at.

BTR999 said...

Still not over that play at first yesterday.
Rizzo just stood there. Then flipped the ball like he was playing catch with a 2 year old.

AboveAverage said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AboveAverage said...

BTR - Rizzo was just terrified that he'd run into Holmes and hit his head.

Who could blame him, really.

He should be out at first base wearing a Zimmer combat Yankees helmet at this point.

I mean come on! First baseman are already allowed to use a catcher-like glove.

Why not some protective head gear as well.

It can be made optional for the manly-men first basemen out there.

Remember: Nobody Beats The RIZZ (but he sure gets hit a lot)

Kevin said...

Everson Pereira has a torn UCL, like the Martian will get the brace procedure. Unfortunately this was the last year of control for the Yankees. Prospect hugging sometimes blows up. For the Yankees it's almost assured.

13bit said...

Covid rebound. Sick of this shit.

Carl J. Weitz said...

I have a 2-word remedy to the bullpen: Mason Miller.
Get him in a trade immediately!

HoraceClarke66 said...

AA, I think it has something to do with all the rain in Indianapolis. In the summertime.

JM said...

I blame Mother Goose. Who is, I've been told, not a nursery rhyme.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

YES just had a story on AAron Booooone. About how, because of that home run, he would always be liked in NY and never have to buy a meal or a drink.

Maybe for a month or so. Then the ass blew out his knee which got us aroid asshole. And if that weren't enough, he has to torture us for the last six years inventing new ways to lose very winnable games.

Now I doubt he can show his mug in most eating and drinking establishments in the city.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I always liked Andrew Dice Clay's nursery rhymes.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Mr. bit, did you torture insects as a kid or something? Someone is clearly getting back at you. Get well and stay that way.

ranger_lp said...


13bit said...

Thanks Rufus. I'm probably still paying for my sins in the 70s, 80s and into the 90s...

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I don't think any of us would be around if we *really* paid for our sins of the the 70s and 80s. It was fun though.

Doug K. said...

I have put up an Alternative Game Day Thread