Sunday, December 17, 2023

Spanish Lesson #24: Discussion of the Yamamoto Sweepstakes


According to an article published earlier today by NBC Sports, both the San Francisco Giants and Boston Red Sox have offers of $300 Million on the table for Yoshinobo Yamamoto.

Two things are conspicuously absent from this article:

  1. The words "New York Yankees".

  2. The number of years in the purported contract offer.  Any contract less than or equal to 3 years would be mind numbing.  10 years would be "been there, done that".
For #2, I'm going to guess the number will be between 7 and 10.  But I have no idea.

Stay tuned.


HoraceClarke66 said...

As I wrote in the previous post comments, the latest gabble on the internets is that YY has a "hyperabduction" in his delivery, which "is a red flag for future Tommy John surgery."

Hey, at least it will make me feel less bad when he signs with the BoSox.

BTR999 said...

From Andy Amartino

Yamamoto will also hold a second meeting with the Yankees while he’s in New York

Make of that what you will

Rufus T. Firefly said...

LBJ, I'll take the under at 7.

And, as always, you are a cunning linguist.

BTR999 said...


Mets offered Yama $300M +.

Yamamoto expected to meet again with the Yankees while he’s in the area, could be as soon as today.

Expect his final decision soon.

acrilly said...

LOLnext years rotation

The Hammer of God said...

@ Rufus, "cunning linguist" a hilarious play on words in a Deep Purple song called "Knocking at Your Back Door". As far as I'm aware, it's the only rock song with "samurai" in the lyrics: "Sweet Lucy was a dancer/but none of us would chance her/Because she was a samurai..."

Sweet Nancy was so fancy
To get into her pants
We had to be the aristocracy
The members that she toyed with
At city club were something in diplomacy

So we put her on the hit list
Of a common cunning linguist
A master of many tongues
And now she eases gently
From her Austin to her Bentley
Suddenly she feels so young

HoraceClarke66 said...

So do the Yanks do 8 years, $50 mill a pop? Seems crazy—but what doesn't these days?

AboveAverage said...

IF they do Hoss, then Cole is going to flounce and pout about how NYamamoto is making more than he is.

BTR999 said...

Just pay him 1M a year for 400 years,

Problem solved

HoraceClarke66 said...

999, you're a genius!

AboveAverage said...

Yes - 999 - that is genius - HOWEVER - I'd add a signing bonus of 5 Million just to make the transition to the trip state area more tolerable

AboveAverage said...

How did tri-state area become trip state area, iPhone ? Please let me know, OK?

Rufus T. Firefly said...


Your iPhone is on a bad trip? You must have given your iPhone the brown acid. Didn't you hear the announcement?

JM said...

Hammer, the kids in my neighborhood were making the cunning linguist joke when I was 12 or so, which was in 1967/8. My guess is that Purple picked up the phrase from common usage and used it in their song...likely a first.

Pocono Steve said...

Great song, which was played live when I saw them with Priest in 2018 at Bethel Woods.

The Hammer of God said...

@ JM, Who woulda known there were so many ways to use our tongues?

@ Pocono Steve, Lucky you! Yeah, I love that song. Didn't know Deep Purple were still around playing gigs in 2018. Must've been a helluva show with Priest.