Sunday, June 30, 2024

Game thread if anyone cares

 Our season turning to horseshit, seen here at left in mid-foreground.


JM said...

We're.... winning? Judge HR, DJ knocking in a run... what the hell?

DickAllen said...

I hate to say this, but I think it would be very helpful to have Giancarlo in this lineup

JM said...

I completely agree.

JM said...

This England -Slovakia match is incredible. Sports going on two screens.

DickAllen said...

JM, with that starting 11, England should be killing it

JM said...

They waited till the last possible minute to tie, and came out in OT and took the lead. Amazing tying goal.

Pocono Steve said...

The Yanks not scoring more runs with bases loaded will cost them today after Cole or the bullpen melts down.

JM said...

Or both.

Doug K. said...

Pocano - I agree. The Yankees leave runners in scoring position with less than two outs far too often and yes, it will bite them when the meltdown comes.

DickAllen said...


It’s about time somebody hit that Putz

Pocono Steve said...

Cole's got a case of the beanies today

Pocono Steve said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AboveAverage said...

Pitch Clock violation - that tooooo is a huge load of horse pooooo

Doug K. said...

What a maroon!

AboveAverage said...

Skewed more towards brown, me thinks

JM said...

Verdugo was Gleyberesque on that play.

DickAllen said...

Feast or famine

JM said...

Great, Grisham is part of the "Admiring My Homer Not a Homer" club.

TheWinWarblist said...

How gig is this ump's strike zone??

TheWinWarblist said...

Big! Fuck it! How BIG is this ump's strike zone?!?

JM said...

Too big.

Rice doing nice.

Publius said...

Gerritt Cole on the hill and Rickie Ricardo in the booth...a winning combination

AboveAverage said...

This umpire sucks

JM said...

My family is Polish, and I still can't figure out how to properly pronounce this pitcher's name. Holy cats.

JM said...

Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!

TheWinWarblist said...

The Uh-huh Yankees win.

Doug K. said...

Theeeeeeeeee Yankeeeees split the series. Thhhhheeeeeeee Yankeeees split the series!

TheWinWarblist said...

Suck a dismal split.

JM said...

Spell check got that right, Win.

Hinkey Haines said...

JM, I think it’s pronounced “I’ll be heading back to Scranton soon.”

BTR999 said...

Pretty good outing by Cole, overall solid effort. Tip o’ the cap to the beleaguered bullpen.

I know this is not a popular opinion, but at some point there needs to be a discussion about Volpe . For June, he hit .222, 0 HRs, only 4 rbi, struck out 33 times against just 3 walks. At the very least he needs a hitting intervention by one of our worthless “hitting coaches” and be dropped in the order.

DickAllen said...

I wonder what Rizzo’s going to do when (and if) he gets healthy

JM said...

Volpe is having a "bad patch." Like the whole team has been having, but maybe a bit longer. Or something.

Hinkey, I think you got it. The lack of vowels threw me.

AboveAverage said...

The human body needs many letters daily - in order to survive.