Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Game Thread?



Rufus T. Firefly said...

I think Doug was abducted by aliens.

BTR999 said...

5-9 in this lineup is totally ass.

AboveAverage said...

Doug’s game thread looked to be cool, tasty and refreshing.

Haiku Tuesdays will return next week —— thank you Citizens.

Doug K. said...

Yeah, I had it up but I saw that Stang had a draft of something and I thought he was going to post it today so I pulled mine so that it didn't step on his. But I guess his is for tomorrow.

AA - I'll use the 1960's sno-cone machine some other time, it's nostalgic and scary as well. The sno-cone snowman come to life would make a great maniac killer movie.

Rufus thanks for putting a thread up.

Doug K. said...

BTR I was thinking the same thing.

TheWinWarblist said...

This Bobby Witt kid some good snackums. Maybe he'll follow the Yankees home like a puppy in love?

TheWinWarblist said...

Give this Bobby Witt kid some good snackums. Maybe he'll follow the Yankees home like a puppy in love?

Good job Stanton! That's the way to contribute! Stick you head in there every time!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

The only way Mikey can contribute nowadays.

Doug, glad to hear you were not abducted by aliens. I hear their probes can get personal.

AboveAverage said...

The ass of this order has never smelled so sweet!

The Ghost of Spider Lockhart said...

Austin! Hits one to Boston!

TheWinWarblist said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! The bottom shit part of the lineup delivers!!!

TheWinWarblist said...

Wells hit that well!! [?]

Doug K. said...

Nice to see Wells contribute. He's been so close for so long.

AboveAverage said...

Roofer - the scary thing is they use those retro snow cone machines for the probing

Rufus T. Firefly said...

AA, that's cold

Doug K. said...


Take a look at this picture! Scaaaaarrry.

Doug K. said...

Three nice plays by Rizzo.

AboveAverage said...

Wouldn’t it be lovely if ……..

ranger_lp said...

Ho hum game…Royals getting embarrassed on their home field…

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Haven't watched it yet, but this popped up on sports spyder:

New York Post Sports
John Sterling Talks Broadcasting Career, Retirement | Ep. 105 | The Show Podcast


Doug K. said...

He says he doesn't want to interfere with the decision making but he has to want Ricky Ricardo. After all he did save his life.

TheWinWarblist said...

Stroman has lost the plate.

ranger_lp said...

Rumor has it Dave Sims will do radio next year…

TheWinWarblist said...

Wait. Ricky saved The Master's life?

AboveAverage said...

That’s great, Doug.

I do like Ricky.

After all - he and Lucy’s company gave us f*ckin’ Star Trek - so give him the GD Jan!

AboveAverage said...

JAN! = JOB! iPhone. Come on now. Get the simple things right, please.

Thank you

TheWinWarblist said...

Oh sweet jibbers crabst! Take Stroman out of this game!!

TheWinWarblist said...

Here comes the Macaroni.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Winnie, you don't remember the flood story?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Tuesday is prince macaroni day

AboveAverage said...

Wednesday is is Prince day

AboveAverage said...


ranger_lp said...

That is not coming back…

AboveAverage said...

Judge may have been a good signing.

This is what I believe.

Doug K. said...

This guy may be the best baseball player I have ever seen.

AboveAverage said...

Can’t Run Goes Yard!

Doug K. said...

and another meaningless one from Stanton.

ranger_lp said...

Back to back and a belly to belly….

Hinkey Haines said...

Of course he did. It’s a 10-run game.

TheWinWarblist said...

Criminy, Judge is good at this game.

TheWinWarblist said...

Mmmm belly belly belly belly!!!!!

Doug K. said...

It was the best of commercials. It was the worst of commercials.

It was the worst of commercials. Who pitched the "We're not teachers." idea. She looks like an idiot and putting on a hard hat and then plugging something into a wall doesn't actually redeem her or the company.

AboveAverage said...

Torres? ISTHATU?

AboveAverage said...

Bring on the Soup Cans. It’s fun. Soto in the lineup is our magic charm.


AboveAverage said...

Did he just say “Whatever it takes to get the JuJu right?”

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Doug, that commercial is vomit inducing

HoraceClarke66 said...

Has there really been a good commercial since the IBS lady took her magical cape and flew away? I don't think so.

To quote the Beatles, "Oh, Kansas City, it's just a one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine." And also ten.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Why does our pitcher have a cross and and upside-down-666 tattooed under his ear?

On the other hand, the anti-Christ might be just the guy we need to nail down that bullpen. How much will opposing batters be put off if at any moment he might turn into a foaming-at-the-mouth hellhound?

HoraceClarke66 said...

The Yankees' broadcasters are now kvelling over the launch angle of Stanton's home run. Sigh.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees win.

AboveAverage said...


HoraceClarke66 said...

Can we transfer to the AL Central?

TheWinWarblist said...

The Yanks are 16 and 1 against the AL Central.

TheWinWarblist said...

ThethuhuhAaaaah-ha-ahaahaUhuhuhuh-uhty-uhty-uhty aaaahhhh Yankees weeeeeeeennnnn !!!!!!!!!!!

TheWinWarblist said...

And yes, the YES announcers invoked the JuJu!!

Kevin said...

11 1 15 34 25 0 26 3 0 .433 .552 1.078 1.630

Left to right: doubles, triples, HRs, rbi, bb, hbp, so, sb, cs, average, on-base, slg., .ops

Those are Judges numbers over the past thirty days in 90 AB, NOT including today's game. Video game numbers. Slugging 1.078 over a month, with that insane OPS?!!!!!!!! Unreal....

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I like how they invoked the blow out rule and had a non-pitcher pitch the ninth.

Kevin said...

.309 .437 .712 1.149
Updated numbers for the season. Oh, he's at a 59 Home run pace.

Uhhhh, I didn't post this. Bad karma....

BTR999 said...

That’s-a nice

AboveAverage said...

Rest up gentle people.

Tomorrow IS Prince spaghetti day!

(Sorry rooofee - yah gotta get it straight)
