Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Good Luck To The Cubs."

Sitting in a bar near the port authority bus terminal, drinking crown shots and beers, some dude comes in with a radio.

"I'm from Chicago and I love this crap," he blurts.

I stuff another sausage between my cheek and gum and ask him what he is talking about.

" There's this guy being interviewed on some sports show and he claims that negative ju-ju is the fans' only true way to help their team. "

"Sit down," I said, " have a drink with me and I'll tell you all about it."


Stang said...

It was a good interview. Duque got his points across, he was funny, and the interviewer gave him space to work.

One point needs correcting, though. Duque can't be a working class slob AND own two dozen houses. He has to choose!

el duque said...

By the way, wishing someone "Good luck" carries absolutely no juju whatsoever. It's like "Merry Christmas," which adds to no one's true Yuletide cheer.

I could say, "Good luck to Iran" or "Good luck to Satan," and it wouldn't matter one bit. Neither would receive any meaningful juju.