Friday, September 18, 2009

Ooooh, noooo! Justin Verlander? We're doomed, DOOMED!

Dag-nabbit! What is this fear of Justin Verlander bit making the rounds?

Other day in the Daily News 5th, that sportswriter played by actor Ed Norton was laying it out:

What if we face Justin Verlander in game one, get shut out with CC, then have to hit game two by pitching the human roulette ball known as AJ Burnett?

Well, whodafuk knows what'll happen!

But listen: Over the last eight wretched years, it was never the Cy Young superpitcher that beat us. Nope. We handled Santana, we handled CC, we handled Bartolo, we handled them.

There's only been one guy who consistently screws us.

Every year, same one.


So... are we doomed? Or is this the year?

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