Saturday, September 26, 2009

A child shall lead them

The Yankees are sending a gift package to a Baldwinsville fourth-grader who was told by a teacher he had to wear his Yankee’s shirt inside out.

Central New York Yankee fans sent a Post-Standard article about the fourth-grader to the Yankees Friday, said Robert Bernstein, manager of special events, alumni services and fan services for the Yankees. Other fans called the Yankees to see what the team could do, he said.

The team plans to send Nate a gift package. Bernstein declined to say what they would send, adding they would like it to be a surprise.

The Baldwinsville School District is looking into the complaint the family made about what they said happened in the classroom on Wednesday.

“We are investigating,” said Superintendent Jeanne Dangle Friday. “This is a personnel issue, and we will be following up and doing what’s appropriate after we get all the information.”

We know the guy needs: Five minutes in a room with Alphonso. Five minutes. That's all it'll take. Ever hear the sound of bones shattering? The wail of a tongue pulled out by the roots? Five minutes.


Whitey Fraud said...

The teacher ought to be tarred, feathered, castrated and sent to Southie to teach.

In a nice way, of course.

Anonymous said...

Let the kid throw out the first pitch Sunday.

Alphonso said...

I'm leaving for Baldwinsville tonight.