Monday, January 13, 2025

Roki is a No-kee.

Roki Sasaki, the last free agent who could have made a difference, won't be signing with the Yankees. 

Oh, well. You can't be disappointed over what you knew, all along.

Lineup still looks solid. 

Any updates on Clayton Beeter?  


Doug K. said...

Re-post from the bottom of the other thread...

What's interesting is that whatever team he signs with and I'm guessing the Padres because he said he wants a smaller market, they will have to use all of their international money to sign him. What this means is, whatever deals they had with other international free agents will not be honored and will free them up for other teams. Maybe there is someone the Yankees can scoop up.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Oh, Doug. Poor, sweet, innocent Doug. The Yankees are not interested in signing any more players this year. Only in getting rid of Marcus Stroman, a pitcher they will undoubtedly end up needing, for one of several very bad, overaged second baseman.

What a great season this looks like!

AboveAverage said...

wow. . .

Doug K. said...

Hoss while you point is well taken in terms of the big club -

The Yankees allocate every year for their usual crop of 16 year old Dominicans.

Perhaps there is one that was not available to the Yankees because they decided to do a deal with the Dodgers (or Padres should they be the "winners". ) Now the Dodgers are out of international free agent money because they are giving it to Roki.

That person could find himself back on the market and the Yankees (who probably came in second as is their custom) could sign the kid.

Carl J. Weitz said...

The talk is that the team in first place for Roki's services is Seattle.

edb said...

The Yankees are a joki.

Jaraxle said...

All reports I’ve seen point to Padres, Dodgers and Blue Jays as final 3. The idea of Toronto even being in the finals makes me think that’s the spot he lands in. I think he wants to play in MLB but isn’t sold on actually living in America.