Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rightwing whacktoid radio host (sorry for the redundancy) gives Ronan Tynan credit for thrwarting terrorism

This is priceless.

The Voters Value Summit in DC invited American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer (Hmm, is "Fischer" a Jewish name?!?) to speak. Fischer told the flockers:

“By God’s blessing, we have not been hit by a Muslim attack since 9/11. I suggest that in part, we have Major League Baseball to thank. You remember that the week after 9/11 Major League Baseball converted the seventh inning stretch from the singing of ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame’ to the singing of ‘God Bless America.”

“Now ‘God Bless America’ is not just a song, it is a prayer. When we sing that we are inviting God to bless America, to stand beside her and to guide her through the night with a light from above. 

“So for one brief, shining moment every night, Major League Baseball has converted our stadiums into cathedrals in which tens of thousands of ordinary Americans lift their hearts and voices as one and ask God to watch over and protect the United States.”

This is genius.

If we sing "God Bless America" twice a game - third and seventh innings - we can rout the Taliban. If we sing it every inning, full employment!


Rabbi Schneerson said...

Fischer ain't Jewish. Could be former
storm trooper, just like Schwerzer.

mile said...

Gott in Himmel. The Yankees are a religious organization!

1. Yankees can stop paying taxes - more money to spend on players!

2. Spending on Yankees tickets and 80% of stadium concessions - tax deductible!

God said...

A just me would have made the New York Yankees the champions in 2001.