Thursday, July 13, 2023


 The lack of positive news about any Yankees prospect is driving me to drink.  Again.  Many of you will consider that a side benefit. I can live with that.

You can make any argument you want about Volpe, but he is not in the same league as any of those young dudes Duque mentioned who, by the way, are not playing with a layer of excuses tied to their performances. They are hitting and playing like superstars.  Volpe is hitting .216.

Jesse Dominguez was a mistake from moment one. I predicted that he would never be a yankee ( playing regularly in the Bronx).  And I am right. He is a distraction to deflect attention from the horrid minor league system the Yankees maintain. 

And if you think Cashman won't roll the dice again at the trade deadline, you are nuts.  Anyone we think has potential, will be gone.  If josh Donaldson or Giancarlo have twin brothers, we will soon see them striking  out in the Bronx. 

The yankees won't do anything right until they dump their GM and manager. And why should that happen when " Happy Hal" is raking in the dough, and buying new yachts with found, incremental revenue generated by logo sales on the uniforms?

But here is the thing;  in two weeks, we can begin shifting our interest to the gridiron.  We can be distracted by the Giants, the Jets and anyone else you care to follow.

We can forget about the yankees.  And we will barely notice that they don't make it to the play-in game, and that another unseen and unknown  " coach" is fired. 

The hierarchy of the Yankees is destroying us. Depressing us. Driving us to drink.

And that is the best they will ever offer. 



13bit said...

They rewarded Cashola with 5 more years. THAT was the biggest contract of the offseason for us. THAT is all you need to know. HAL thinks BRIAN is just peachy and a great job. The money is coming in. Cash keeps the wheels greased. We're all fucked. In my youth in Yonkers, smoking cigarettes at the Tanglewood shopping mall on Central Avenue, we intellectuals back in the 70s would have said, "FUCK THIS SHIT."

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

The bright side of having no prospects is we can’t trade away a future that doesn’t exist for half a summer of Ohtani.

HoraceClarke66 said...

You know, that's actually a great point, Beauregard! People don't even understand that the Yankees no longer have anything that anyone wants. And I'd rather hold on to what little we do have. Just wish we had another GM in the wings to build on that!

JM said...

Tear it down, start over. GM down. Keep Judge. Throw everything else away.

Won't happen, but that's where we basically are.

AboveAverage said...

Here's an intriguing trade possibility:

Cashman (plus his elf costume), Donaldson (plus 10 Million), Boone (plus a seed-sweeping orthodontist), Severino (plus 5 Million), Torres (plus 2 million), Deivi Garcia (plus a toaster oven) for Ohtani.

Its a no-brainer.

JM said...

I think the toaster oven seals that deal, AA.

AboveAverage said...

JM - that and the seed-sweeping orthodontist is rumored to have an outstanding blu-ray collection . . .

Rufus T. Firefly said...

You'd have to throw in naming rights to Yankee Stadium for them to accept.

JM said...

I'm still holding out for 2000 Flushes Stadium. It's so perfect.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


You must realize that *that* name is reserved for the team in Flushing Meadow.

AboveAverage said...

SPARKS Quote of the Day:

Nothing is as good as they say it is

That’s the way it is

I wish I’ve known before hand

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

Did banks used to give away toaster ovens with a new account? I bet old George had a basement full of toaster ovens. Hal likes wine and cheese.

AboveAverage said...

BJPB - yes banks did in fact give away kitchen appliances because it was against state and federal regulations to provide monetary or interest incentives to lure people in to open new accounts.

I’m sure that banks could have been FAR more creative with their incentives/giveaways but certain things were frowned upon when dealing and wheeling with the general public (even in the 1980s).

HoraceClarke66 said...

Ah, the great deal to come from Cashman! No doubt it will be the guy he was counting on, agile, switch-hitting, free-agent-to-be centerfielder Brian Reynolds of the Pirates. Why, he was as good as ours! Brian hinted it was so.

Oh, wait. Reynolds signed a $125-mill contract that tied him to Pittsburgh through 2031. And he's hitting all of .265, with 9 homers and an OPS of .785.

Meanwhile, one Masataka Yoshida, left fielder, signed with the Red Sox for 5 years at $90 mill, and is currently hitting .316, with 10 homers and an .874 OPS. Cashie never even mentioned him.

Oh, well. You KNOW there will be some great trade deadline deal!

AboveAverage said...

Winters Coming

AboveAverage said...

(NoNoNo - I didn’t mean Johnathan)

The Archangel said...

Arias is the minor leaguer everyone apparently wants. SW hitter with some pop who seems to have recovered from a wrist injury that slowed him last year.
He's a SS, so Cash will find him expendable and trade for Lance Lynn

edb said...

Could it be another Yankee prospect who fizzles under the helm of Genius CaSHMAN?