Saturday, November 11, 2023

Murdoch Post tells Hal what he wants to hear...


...As does noted Hal-booster Alphonso


HoraceClarke66 said...

Joel Sherman is a longtime hack. But I don't understand why even bootlickers like this guy don't want to see great players more.

I mean, this is your job. Are there movie reviewers somewhere saying, "No, no, no send me to review the big blockbuster, I just want to see terrible films by new directors, in the hope that maybe, someday, one of them will become good."

Earth to Joel Sherman: the alternative to getting big ticket players is NOT a really well-run farm system, producing great young players every year. No. The alternative is having NOTHING worthwhile to watch.

Holy shit, how can you cover something everyday, your whole working life, and not understand it in the least?

AboveAverage said...

Sherman is an eeeediot.

I want the pitcher and and the outfielder on our team.

I’m with you Hoss!

Doug K. said...

Sherman had a couple of columns in a row that were unusually harsh on Cashman and deservedly so. This one was his "but I still know how to tow the company line so don't be mad" column.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Meant to write "DON'T send me to cover the big new blockbuster..."

And AA, I believe that's spelled, "idjit."

BTR999 said...

The NY post? 😂😂😂😂