Thursday, October 17, 2024


 I agree with Duque, that Wells may be returning to the hitting form he was known for.  He finally " barreled up" during his last at bat of the night.  Not dis-similar, in a way, for the optimism  we feel that Judge may be regaining his stroke after launching that key dinger. Wells could bar on the cusp of breaking out. 

But the talk is of benching Wells, not of rearranging the lineup.  And that means a defensive change. Trevino is like the red light that doesn't work at the four way intersection. 

A baserunner gets on and he steals second.  Doesn't matter if it is a bunny or a rhino doing the running. And it becomes demoralizing.  Balls fly into centerfield, and the fans get energized. 

If Trevvy went 3-4 with two doubles, it might balance off. But he doesn't.  He can't throw or run. 

He has been good Yankee.  But the fuel is running down in the tank and Wells is better at everything.  

Boone is overly loyal to veterans.  If he had his way, DJ would be playing third base. So Boone will follow his instincts. 

I believe  this may be " a give-up game."  And this is not the time of year where such a thing is acceptable. 

If Clark goes 4 plus innings and gives up 0-2 runs,  we have to bring in Stroman or someone other than our typical one inning corps. That is like rolling the dice. 

And I fear that if Cleveland gets some energy,  we are in for a long week. 

We need Clark to throw a no hitter.  Okay.  I can live with that. 


Pocono Steve said...

If anything like a "give up game" is acceptable at this time of year, it should be up 3-0, not 2-0. Game 3 should be played like game 7 since winning it all but seals the series. Trevino is the worst.

DickAllen said...

The Yankees, have been playing like keystone cops - hell, the entire playoffs can be called a comedy of errors - some of the most mediocre play for supposed "final four" teams. Cleveland has given away two games after playing the whole year in a division that would have difficulty holding its own in the IL or PCL. If the Yankees can play some semblance of error-free baseball for a few days (something that should not ever be assumed), then this series is over. It's about time Glassman was moved up in the order. Only took (Manager of the Year) Booooone two weeks to see that he was hitting again.

TheWinWarblist said...

Live with the Yankees blowing the 2 game lead in this series. Because that's what's going to happen.