Thursday, October 10, 2024

That was a big Yankee win.

 Big. Yankee. Win. 


Hinkey Haines said...


TheWinWarblist said...

Every Yankees win is a big Yankee win. Moreso in October.

AboveAverage said...

Oui Weee Win!

Vampifella said...

LOL, it was the Royals though so it wasn't fully unexpected. They realistically shouldn't even be where they were but I'm so thankful that they got rid of the O's for us. Yanks had small hope against them or the Asstros.

I'm hoping the Indians win tomorrow but I'm thinking that they won't. The Tigers are a little too hot like the Mets and they could upset. Indians were always a rather beatable team for the Yanks.

I'd love a Yanks vs Dodgers/Mets in the WS once again. I rather not see a repeat of 1998 as the Pads were always such a bore of a team even when they are good.

Publius said...

Big. If true.