Saturday, October 19, 2024

No midges, but still a three-hour heart attack: Ten takeaways

Can't take many more of these. Of course, we want a victory. But if the Yankees must lose tonight, let's do it by - say - eight. Last night was a slasher flick: Whenever we seemed safe, Cleveland did a perfect Michael Myers sit-up and started killing teenagers. I missed John and Suzyn - can't synch their audio to TBS - but the Master must have been delirious. (Here's a link to his "Juannderfull, marrrvelous" call of Juan Soto's early HR.)  

Ten Takeaways:

1. If Giancarlo wins us a ring, or just stays hot, I shall never, never, EVER again whine about his contract. In the IT IS HIGH AP Style Book, he'll be a "well paid, salaried staffer." 

2. Am I dreaming, or is Anthony Volpe hitting as he did in April? (FYI: He's 8 for 25 - .320 - with eight - yeah, 8 - walks: That's a .485 on-base percentage.

3. If it stands, would there ever be an unlikelier Yankee postseason hero than Mark Leiter Jr.? (The ones that come to mind: Jim Leyritz, Aaron Boone.) 

4. Something's wrong with Anthony Rizzo. He should be our best fielding 1B, but he's waving at balls. He pulled a Buckner on Leiter's shovel pass in the eighth, split the uprights. Donno what to do, but it's a thing.

5. That said, Rizzo charging a potential bunt - with the batter swinging - was one of the ballsiest plays I've seen in years. He was 50 feet from the plate. Fearless.

6. Austin Wells has become a Gold Glove catcher. All night, he won deserved praise from Ron Darling & company. Saved at least five wild pitches. 

7. Biggest heart attack moment: Verdugo running down that drive off the bat of Santa Claus Noel. It looked gone, and the TBS cameras panned to the bleachers. Somehow, Verdugo got there. I cannot recall a better decision by Boone than choosing Verdugo over The Martian in LF. 

8. Glad to see Luke Weaver get a rest, though Boone had him warming in the 9th. I hope that didn't fry him. 

9. I thought Boone should have given Luis Gil a shot at the 5th inning. He'd retired the last four batters, seemed to be settling in. We knew the bullpen would be stressed. 

10. A bit surprised that Marcus Stroman didn't get called upon. Yes, he was shaky down the stretch, but at some point, we'll need him. 

10. (Tie) The end of that game will forever be frozen in time - Berdi botching the grounder, then recovering to make the play. But is it my imagination, or was the Cleveland runner exceptionally slow. That play should have been closer.


Doug K. said...
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Doug K. said...

1) Start Oswaldo over Jazz at third.

2) Quick way to save the pen -- Get starters who can go seven innings.

3) Great article on Stanton in the Athletic. He has gone way up in my estimation. Still don't understand how, if he can flip the switch in the playoffs he can't just leave the switch flipped in general, but he's been nothing short of great.

4) Holmes sucks but must start CLEAN INNINGS! Watching his suckatude when he comes in with men on base is one of Dante's Circles of Hell.

5) This team, this worst Yankee team to get this far, has shown that it can take a punch. Don't know how it ends but there's that.

TheWinWarblist said...

Getting 1996 vibes from this team, but I was young then; this is killing me.

Pocono Steve said...

I just don't recall that team being as sloppy or having as threadbare a bullpen.

AboveAverage said...

I needed a tetanus shot after the 96 series - feel free to ask if you want

AboveAverage said...

Agree on all - especially 1

ranger_lp said...

11. Jazz has to sit tonight. He's never been on this stage before. Yeah, he got a HR in this series but he's 4 for 21 vs Cleveland and 4 for 31 throughout. Maybe this is when you put Cabrera in and put Wells back in the cleanup spot...

13bit said...

I'm getting 1968 vibes off of this team, but I'm just a fucking nihilist. Even if we win, do we win? I guess we win. I still think it's a big setup. The NL teams are going to slaughter and temper each other and then one of them will emerge, striding out of Tokyo Bay breathing fire and getting ready to destroy us.

Piiax said...

We should be able to win one out of three, right? ("...")

TheWinWarblist said...

Breathing fire and plutonium radioactivity !!

AboveAverage said...

My Cat says Yes. He is never wrong

TheWinWarblist said...

Oh dear sweet Piiax, no. No, of course they cannot.

el duque said...

It's on us to win one of the next three. If we fail, at least we'll know this team was never going to win it. But I'm not giving up on beating LA. Given the choice between Soto/Judge/Stanton and Ohtani/Betts/Freeman... I'd take ours.

Note to juju gods: I am not smugly expecting to ever win another game, as long as I live. So, there.

ranger_lp said...

Ohtani is coming up in eight batters...

HoraceClarke66 said... everything!

HoraceClarke66 said...

First, Vampifella, nobody was asleep last night. We were just shaking in the dark, holding flashlights under our faces.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Second, yes, this team can take a punch, so we can give them that. And to be fair—not that I am ever, ever fair when it comes to the New York Yankees—all of these teams are being forced to play endless games on cold nights, at the end of a long, long season. Not a surprise that the level of play is not high.

HoraceClarke66 said...

That said, yes, the 1996 team was better in the postseason. They made many fewer mistakes, had a deeper and better roster, and were being managed by a guy who was not a great field manager, but who had maybe his best postseason ever—and who was not the sock poppet of an arrogant, intensely stupid GM.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Yeah, great points, Kevin and Joe of AZ: MLB, in all its analytic arrogance, does not understand that "water has to go somewhere." I mean, do they sit around saying, "Hey, I got it! Why don't we just pitch six relievers in every game? Amazing all those stupid clods who came before us never thought of that!"

No. You don't have anyone who can go six innings, you're going to have an exhausted staff by the end of the year. The stud hoss starter must make a comeback.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Yes on everything Doug K says—clean innings, and Jazz out of the 4 spot (and preferably off the field, though he has fielded well this postseason). And why IS it impossible to put Soto between Judge and Stanton?

HoraceClarke66 said...

Speaking of which: Stanton is usually on...when he's not hurt. Which he always is. I completely agree with our Peerless Leader: Giancarlo brings it home, and I will shut up about him forever. Nor was this ever his fault. I wouldn't turn down the money, either.

HoraceClarke66 said...

All right. Have to go to the Morristown Festival of Books to push product...and to get some heart attack paddles on the way home. See you guys tonight!

JM said...

Hoss, that was a barrage of comments in 10 minutes flat. And I agree with you all the way down the line. May your trip to Morristown (the other Motown) be fruitful and your sales multiply.

BTR999 said...

Jazz out, Rizzo cleanup. Big props to Torres for showing up when it really counts!

AboveAverage said...

better pick up two pair.......they can be a little wonkee

acrilly said...

Just an amazing win. Giancarlo has forever stopped my scorn and Volpe has been under the radar good in all phases of the gam. I’m not sure what that feeling in my chest is, but i think it’s contempt being replaced with joy! Hoss, you book is great and I hope the fine folks of the other Motown enjoy it!

Doctor T said...

1. Stanton in cleanup. Come on guys! Who better to force pitchers to throw strikes at Judge, than knowing a hot-hitting Stanton is coming up? Please see Thursday's game for why that's important.
2. Keep Wells batting 8th. Less pressure. He seems to be thriving there.
3. Pull Rodon as soon as he waivers. Kiss Stroman's patootie for leaving him off the post-season roster. Put flowers in his locker and use him for middle innings.
4. Keep Leiter (1 run, 2 hits, 1 walk, 1 K in 1.2 inning) off the field. PLEASE! Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place and he wasn't that good last night. Just lucky.
5. Start Oswald at 3rd base. He's the better fielder and his bat gets hot when he gets opportunities to play.
6. Memo to Steinbrenner. Whatever the outcome of this post-season. Fire Cashman. He can barely win, even with unlimited money to spend. He can't develop prospects, he's Forest Gumped his way this far and, after 25+ years, he still doesn't know what he's doing. He just throw your money at the problem and underlings under a bus to protect himself against charges of incompetence. Your home team, Hal, has a 126M salary line and they are giving your 309M+ team a run for its money. Get off your golf cart and count your beans.

DickAllen said...

Dear Doctor: firing Cashman is not on the table. If he hasn’t been fired by now, he’ll never be. And Booooone, as bad a manager as he is, has unlimited job security, especially with the Yankees on the verge of returning to the World Series.

DickAllen said...

Ideally, Rodin will go six, the top five will continue to produce, one of the bottom four will find a truffle or two and the Yankees can sit back and watch the Melts and Dodgers beat each others brains out.