Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A saint comes down to consecrate an awful game

John was back last night as part of John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman T-shirt night. These giveaways are planned during the off-season, so the Yankees' Free Clutter You'll Someday Regret Department would have had no way of knowing that John would become a thing of the past before the big night arrived. So someone invited him to show up for it anyway, and there he was. Half an inning on TV with Kay and O'Neill, two innings play-by-play on the radio with Suzyn. It was fun and emotional and John was in good voice.

  • John said he misses doing the games, and he watches all of them. 
  • He accused the Yankees of never changing the infielders' positions no matter who is at bat. He noticed it watching TV. Damning. 
  • He bemoaned the lack of any great teams this year. 
  • The Yankees don't hit! 
  • And the bullpen is a problem. 
  • But all the teams have problems. 
  • He said he loves the T-shirt because it doesn't show his face. 
  • They've given him about 20 of them, which he uses for sleep shirts. 
  • XLs, nice and roomy. 
  • His Jazz Chisholm, Jr. home run call would have referenced the song "All That Jazz" from the musical "Chicago." 
  • His Alex Verdugo home run call would have been "Dugie delivers!" (Note: In April, he used "Alexander the Great!" I guess he would have combined them, because toward the end all his calls seemed to be two-parters.) 
  • Suzyn was subdued, and perhaps ever-so-slightly melancholy. 
  • I guess she misses him. 
  • Or is finally fed up. 
  • Probably the former. 
  • I hope. 
  • Unlike Kay and O'Neill, she let John do nearly all the talking. 
  • Which he seemed happy to do.


AboveAverage said...

John can put that t-shirt over his retirement TV set . . .

AboveAverage said...

Lovely post, Stang. Made me feel sorta sad

AboveAverage said...

The Yankees will need 5 more runs to win.

JM said...

Well, they're not doing too bad tonight.

JM said...

Soto and Judge again. Incredible.

JM said...

Guess we don't have a lot of Prime viewers around here.

AboveAverage said...

MLB-TV here.

TheWinWarblist said...

Who is this person pitching tonight. Did they call him up from AAA?

Fuck Hal.

TheWinWarblist said...

BlownSave could come in and blow a save and the New York Yankees might still win. Unlikely but possible.

Fuck CashBrain.

JM said...

Judge is amazing.

Oasisdave said...

I believe 'Beast' is the word

AboveAverage said...

Judge ain’t no Judy

ranger_lp said...

Fucking Mayza

JM said...

Another great Cashman acquisition.

JM said...

That 8.33 ERA is something.

JM said...

We call it Mayza.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win!!!

JM said...

Two quick outs.

JM said...

Just won on Prime.

JM said...

A lag.

AboveAverage said...

Yay - The Jotos wins!

TheWinWarblist said...

I was expecting the bullpen to make things more aggravating than that.

JM said...

Judge has 47 HR with over a month to go.

BTR999 said...

More like it. Cortes suddenly looking strong. Talk of Schmidt being back by Labor Day

TheWinWarblist said...

Talk of my saucy buttocks being back by Labor Day is purely wild conjecture.

TheWinWarblist said...

How do we get The Master in the BB HOF in time for him to see it?? You know we cannot count on the front office and ownership to do a damn thing.

Fuck Hal. Where art though Hank? But really really fuck Hal.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Warbler, we've warned you about that sort of language. It made me snort whiskey through my nostrils.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Latest Old Timer's Day ever, coming up. Hope Cashie shows up. Bet he won't.

Kevin said...

You know, we are in first place in the East, have scored the second most runs in the AL (two behind the Orioles while playing one less game), are third in team ERA (AL). But the team feels like they are failing, why? Part of the reason is they are a top-heavy offensive team, obviously, they play poor fundamental baseball, are shaky on defense. The bullpen... But IMHO, it's Boone. Boone who at least publicly never gets on the players, Boone who seems to "allow" the same mental mistakes over and over. Boone who is mystifying in his bullpen moves. Maybe we are the miscreants of the baseball blogosphere and can't even enjoy what by most measures is a successful baseball team. Or maybe we are like Daltrey, who could see for miles, and miles, AND miles.... Wow, I almost forgot to give credit to Cashman for the worst use of money in baseball.

AboveAverage said...

But what do you really think Kevin.

AboveAverage said...

Actually I agree with Kevin.

Publius said...

We are like Daltrey, ca 1977. And the Yankees are Townshend. We're pissed off. We know they should give us a lot better.

Publius said...

There's a string of triumphs behind us. They should be capable of producing more. "Who Are You" and "You Better Yout Bet" (Judge and Soto's production) are truly great. But everything else just downright sucks. A long time ago, high quality across the board. But lately, very high high points. Otherwise, dreck.

Kevin said...

You bet!