Saturday, August 10, 2024

Runk blog continues: Debbie does Dannemora


That's all it did yesterday.

And smash in our picture window. 

Today, two. Which means a split. Which means we'll have to win tomorrow, or we'll lose our second straight series, which means we'll start looking over our shoulder at Boston...

Is the booze affecting my normal joyous hope? 


JM said...

Alcohol makes everything better. Until it makes everything worse. Which then requires more alcohol.

It's a vicious circle.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Homer Simpson:
"Here's to alcohol 🍸! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

AboveAverage said...

Make mine another double….as in header thread. Coming soon!

JM said...

Whoo hoo!

BTR999 said...


Local Bargain Jerk said...

The system of refusing the mere act of drinking and leaving the desire in full force, is unintelligent war tactics, it seems to me.
- Mark Twain