Saturday, August 31, 2024

Riddle me this: How many runs will Warren give up before Boone takes him out?

 How deep of a hole will Will put us into?

How many runs will Boonebrain leave him in for?

Will Will inspire Boone to field his lamest lineup?

Can our crack bullpen staff give up even more runs than Will?

Will Clark Schmidt ever return to save the Yankees?

Will Verdugo go 0-4 while Cabrera gets splinters?

Can Volpe win the Goldtone Glove?

Tune in to the next episode!

Same Batshit time (for home day games)! 

Same (or at least one of the several) Batshit channel!


BTR999 said...

Thanks JM. Fully expect W2 to get lit up like a Christmas tree. I’ll in for 5 runs. Cabrera at first. Team’s tired of eating rice, seems like Lizzo will be here tomorrow.

1. Gleyber Torres, 2B
2. Juan Soto, RF
3. Aaron Judge, DH
4. Austin Wells, C
5. Jazz Chisholm Jr., 3B
6. Anthony Volpe, SS
7. Trent Grisham, CF
8. Alex Verdugo, LF
9. Oswaldo Cabrera, 1B

JM said...

I don't know that Grisham for Stanton is a fair trade.

Carl J. Weitz said...

Too many runs.
Schmidt tossed 3 scoreless innings for SWB last night in a rehab start.
TM is 0-7 but still hitting .293 at AAA
Trevino's ERA after last night is 9.00
Efross's ERA has dropped to 3.75, about 1/2 what it was a few weeks ago.
Durbin is killing it at SWB, hitting for average and power. He should be up and all the Oswaldos back down.

AboveAverage said...


AboveAverage said...

Love the thread, JM. Great job, Old Chum.

Celerino Sanchez said...

Warren will go down with all the Ca$hman greats, The Killer Bs, Joba, Phil Hughes, Dertrick Ens, Ian Clarkin, Brandon Claussen, Chance Adam’s, Ian Kennedy (no wait he could pitch) you can add Chase Hampton to that list because he’ll be out of baseball in 2-3 years. This doesn’t even get into the trades for pitchers.

JM said...

Gosh, AA! I got the idea from Alfred! It's important to be honest.

JM said...

I read the Gil Patterson article online the other day. I remember him. Just a tragic story, but he's been a fantastic coach for over 40 years.

AboveAverage said...

Warren is ONFIRE!

BTR999 said...

Like a cold beer on a hot day, we go down quickly and easily in the first. Hope it’s not gonna be another day game phone-in job we’re famous for.

AboveAverage said...

not while Porn Stache is on fire

Doug K. said...

Volpe has the yips! I'm serious.

AboveAverage said...

Verdict on Vertigo is his confidence is shot at the plate .

AboveAverage said...

Why so yippious

AboveAverage said...

War on Boone

Doug K. said...

The last four times a ball was hit to Volpe he clutched.

Pocono Steve said...

Warren=fucking asshole

BTR999 said...

Warren living down to expectations. They basically punted this game by starting him. Please let this be the end of him.

AboveAverage said...

That’s not great news, Doug. Hey - at least verdoogo can still throw

AboveAverage said...

That’s the worst swing I’ve seen Soto take all year. The pitch was way up and out of the zone. Something is going on.

Pocono Steve said...

I guess it's already been pointed that people pay money for these games: the same amount that people pay for the games they don't programmatically lose.

JM said...

Four so far. Warren is still in there, right?

JM said...

Looked like Grisham held up on that swing.

BTR999 said...

Grisham is Gruesome.

BTR999 said...

So Warren gave up 4 runs in 4 innings. His ERA is now 9.55

Pocono Steve said...

Three runs shouldn't be insurmountable, but these are the Yankees, remember.

JM said...

The incredible disappearing offense.

JM said...

Leiter has a lot of strikeouts, but it's what happens between them that's the problem.

JM said...

Playing Little League baseball today.

BTR999 said...

In his last 7 games Leiter has an ERA OF 7.20

BTR999 said...

Game over. No effort out there.

JM said...

Judge in a mini slump. Leiter? Bad is normal.

Doug K. said...

Did Volpe's fielding issues start after he got hit in the head going into second?

Kevin said...

Strange that the platoon manager never gives Volpe a day off. This team baffles me, or as Jimi once sang, "it makes me wanna get up and uh, SCREAM"!

BTR999 said...

Stanton has a rep as one of the worst PH’s in MLB

Kevin said...


JM said...


Please stop badmouthing this guy.

BTR999 said...

Juju in reverse -

BTR999 said...

Cabrera with his head up his ass

BTR999 said...

IBB ☹️

BTR999 said...


Pocono Steve said...

Fucking losing losers.

DickAllen said...

Paulie: “…so many good things are happening. If the Yankees had played good defense, they would have won this game.”

Thanks for the insight. If you were playing today, you’d be breaking water coolers over this one.

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

Ugh Gleee

Kevin said...

Do these guys have a come from behind win? I'm sure (kinda) that they have, but I just can't seem to remember... Let's face it, this team lacks a killer instinct. Maybe it's "Mr. Nice Guy" Boone's demeanor, I dunno. But SOMETHING is missing and I wouldn't necessarily look at cumulative talent as the culprit. This team has really curbed my enthusiasm...

JM said...

Lack of urgency, surfeit of forgiveness.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Cabrera on first now. I don't get it. It really is an unending spring training. It is the very end of August, and this team is still playing as though it needs to get everything straightened out.

Torres should hit the bench, and stay save for rare appearances. DJ, sadly, should be gone. So should Vertigo—outright release his sorry ass. Peraza should get some games to try to take shortstop from Volpe—and maybe wake him up. Put Cabrera on third and keep him there. Let Chisholm alternate between center and second—AND BRING UP THE FUCKING MARTIAN ALREADY! And yes, Carl Weitz, the Whirling Durbin, too!

HoraceClarke66 said...

As Pocono Steve points out, it's ridiculous the Yanks concede games like this to nothing teams, while still charging everybody the full freight at the door. If, say, Broadway theatres put up signs saying, "Hey, we haven't really finished casting this play yet, so the people playing major roles may be total bums," the whole street would shut down in two minutes.

BTR999 said...

Max Goodman reports: The Yankees optioned Ben Rice and Will Warren down to Triple-A SWB.

This clears the way for Rizzo and a pitcher. Could be a reliever until Warren’s spot when it should be Schmidt. Gil a possibility if healthy. Dominguez? Let’s wait and see.

BTR999 said...

It won’t be Ian Hamilton, who is experiencing back issues, which the team is vague about as usual.

13bit said...

It's not an organization you can trust. Why would we put our hearts, souls, dreams and hope into this team? Asking for a friend.

AboveAverage said...

Roosters expand tomorrow - perhaps we’ll see more tail feathers

edb said...

Many. Warren sucks like those running the show.

TheWinWarblist said...
