Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Worst loss of the season? Sorry, but the Verdugo Face-Plant remains the 2024 Gold Standard in Yankee ignominity

Dugy's Belly Flop is still number one
Give credit:  Last night, the juju gods summoned forth a truly great and memorable Yankee fiasco. 

If last night were a snack, it would be Pork Rinds. 

If last night were a line of poetry, it would be, "I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree." 

If last night were an SNL episode, it would be hosted by Steven Seagal. 

But but BUT... Last night hardly qualifies as the worst loss of this absolutely gruesome 2024 season. 

Sorry, gloom lovers, but that ignominious designation, which deserves a ceremonial urinal in Monument Park, came on the last day before the all-star break, when Anthony Volpe booted a game-ending grounder, followed by Alex Verdugo's belly flop in left field, a moment that will forever define his year as a Yankee, in a soul-crushing loss to Baltimore. 

In another season, for another franchise, last night's loss - on fucking John Sterling Night, no less; are they trying to kill him?- could foster a case of P.T.S.D. that would last a decade, but on this Yankees Roster of the Damned, it was just another blown game, a mosquito bite of anxiety that shall be forgotten by the weekend, when this Yankee team delivers its next out-of-body defeat.

To modern generations, the Yankees are not the team of 27 World Championships. They are the team that always shits the bed. 

That said, last night was a middling Yankee disgrace, despite some memorable moments of true malfeasance.

1. Trent Grishman slowing as he rounded third, enroute to being thrown out at home. Maybe the guy is just slow, but dashing for home, he didn't seem much faster than Giancarlo, whom he replaced. It's hard to not be much faster than Giancarlo. I doubt your grandmother can do it, but Grisham did. 

2. A six-run Cleveland 12th, highlighted by a bad call on a third strike, which soon led to a bases-clearing fly ball that future Met Juan Soto misplayed. I don't want to lay this on Soto, but his route to the ball might as well have taken a detour to Jersey City. 

3. A Batman cameo by the entire Yankee bullpen, meaning today the Scranton bus shuffle will run nonstop, full of pitchers whose names we may have never heard before. It will be like one of those Bar Rescue TV shows, where they rip out the paneling and remake a tavern overnight, except instead of liquor, they will only serve only Mad Dog 20-20. Is Scott Proctor still available? 

4. A back injury to our starter, Luis Gil. Never fear, the Yankees will assure us that he's fine, and then we won't see him for a month. Gil has been one of the few bright spots in the Yankee future. Of course, he's hurt. All season, the Yankees have talked about limiting his innings load, and then they did nothing, just running him out there to throw as long as possible. Now, he's got a bad back. Perfect.

5. DJ LeMahieu failing to step on 1B on a DP grounder. It was a tough play, but the kind he used to make, back in his early 30s. Right now, he's certifiably awful. Last night, he went 0-for-five, seemingly coming up every time with the game on the line - and producing nothing. Listen: LeMahieu is a fine human being, formerly a great future Yankee. But the look on his face is proof that he knows how bad he is.

6. The Yankees going 1-16 with runners in scoring position. Incredibly frustrating. A master class in embarrassment, of course, commemorated by Aaron Judge being intentionally walked, with no ensuing payback by the Yankees.  

7. Alex Verdugo going 0-6 and botching a foul pop fly (along with Oswaldo Cabrera) down the left field line. It should have been caught. But look at it this way: Doogie didn't face-plant. So, just another loss. Didn't hurt a bit. Thank you, sir, may I have another? Whap. Thank you, sir, may I have another? Whap. Thank you, sir, may I have another...? 


JM said...

I knew they were going to lose by the time I went to bed, but six runs? Holy jumpin' mamas.

Basic baseball is alien to some of these guys. We looked like a Little League team that can't hit. How we're still in striking distance of the division is beyond me. Does everyone else suck that badly?

Pocono Steve said...

I keep telling myself just to disengage from this clearly lost team, and then I don't do it.

JM said...

LeMahieu is hitting .189 with a .512 OPS in 62 games.

“It’s been rough, no question about it,” Boone said. “He has had moments where he’s gotten it going a little bit, but it’s been tough. I know he’s working his tail off to get it right and be a contributor. At this point, we’ve got to just keep grinding with him.”

We do? Why? Is that more important than winning games? I don't understand this shit.

Pocono Steve said...

Winning isn't the primary goal. We have Rougned Hicks leading off, then Soto and Judge, and then, to steal someone else's joke, Beck, Bogert, Appice, Paice, Ashton, and Lord from 4 to 9. This team will not win. It cannot win. I need to stop paying (too close) attention.

Pocono Steve said...

Verdugo, meanwhile, is sure to correct his career-worst OPS once he overcomes the allergy to his own goddam douche-y tattoos. But there I go paying attention again.

AboveAverage said...

Vertigo’s next, hypo-allergic tattoo should be one of his historic face plant. Either across his entire upper back or on top of his shaved, ginger ball sac. Let’s start a go fund me to help make this happen!

HoraceClarke66 said...

Boone insists on playing poor DJ, no doubt to "get him going." Then, whenever it looks like he IS getting going...he benches him.

It's as if Boone things his players are malfunctioning toys or electronics. Sure, get that one up, give it a "Brogan adjustment," and now that it seems to be operating again...put it back on the shelf until next time.

This is not how baseball works. Anyone three generations into the game should know this is not how baseball works. He is either intensely stupid, or being ordered to be intensely stupid by you-know-who.

Flopsie Vertigo is one of the very worst Yankees I have ever seen. What a complete disaster. Grisham is an awful hitter, whose value is supposed to lie in the fact that he can do "the little things," such as run and field...except he can't. He's made some terrific catches in CF this season—and some awful flubs.

But this, again, gets back to the fact that no one on a Boone team seems able to focus for more than a few minutes at a time—save for the Big Two. And it's also on them. You are a professional entertainer, making many millions, much of it gleaned from the budgets of hard-working families trying to amuse their kids, and you can't concentrate.

Shame on you. Shame on this team.

BTR999 said...

Don’t know where to start on this one…it was of the sloppiest games I’ve ever seen. It was like a reel of all the team’s shortcomings and poor leadership condensed into one sickening shitshow. As always boone made excuses for everyone and none of the players seemed particularly troubled by what had transpired. Expect the same tonight, and to be seen again multiple times until the inevitable, predictable playoff flameout. The team doesn’t care as long as the money rolls in. It seems impossible they will retain boone next year, but don’t bet against it.

BTR999 said...

Yes JM, they do. Mediocrity run wild…

TheWinWarblist said...


ranger_lp said...

Waiting on Tim Mayza as a "Name The Yankee" answer...

Before yesterday as stated in an article about his acquisition:

In 24 2/3 innings this season, Mayza gave up 24 runs (22 earned) on 36 hits and 12 walks. He managed to strike out 16 of the 121 batters he faced. His 8.03 ERA makes him the only reliever in the league with an ERA over 8.00.


13bit said...

Normally, I'll find solace in the Henry Rollins quote:

"This is not a time to be dismayed. This is punk rock time, this is what Joe Strummer trained you for."

In many of life's tough situations, this gives me strength. Not here, though.

Fuckitude and suckitude. The devil has climbed out of his hole and is toying with us.

Brian thinks his hand is on the tiller, but he's actually holding Hal's penis and the boat is on the shoals.

Soon, we'll be drawing straws to see who gets eaten first.

Publius said...

Grisham would have walked home if professional baseball player Alex Verdugo knew how to bunt a baseball.

AboveAverage said...

Would you please sigh little louder Winny. I couldn't hear you out here in Kalifornyah

Celerino Sanchez said...

According to the Mayza calendar we are doomed

BTR999 said...

Steel yourselves, it may get worse:

From the corpse of RAB on X:
“…NYY is tentatively scheduled to see six LHP in the next nine games. Means we're gonna see a lot of DJLM and potentially a lot of Trevino/not much of Wells. They have no good 1B options. It is what it is. Sitting Wells so much would be a mistake though, even against LHP.”

Kevin said...

Hey! No disparaging Jeff Beck!

JM said...

Hey, remember that Rice kid? He was really something. Too bad DJ put live electric wires into his Jacuzzi. But, hey, we gotta grind it out. You know, because.

AboveAverage said...

Rice Crispies, eh JM?

BTR999 said...

One more from RAB

The Yankees played their first game against the Red Sox on June 14. Since then:

Verdugo vs. BOS: .310/.302/.548, 2 HR in 43 PA

Verdugo vs. everyone else: .168/.253/.222, 0 HR in 191 PA

He hasn't hit a home run against a team other than the Red Sox since May 29 in Anaheim.

BTR999 said...

Gil to the IL
“Back soreness”
Warren recalled