Sunday, August 25, 2024

Guys who should be on the Yankees roster but aren't

All of these guys should be playing for the big team, imo. Slot Durbin at SS, maybe at least light a fire under Volpe's ass, maybe replace him. Vertigo should be benched. DJ, too. 

I like Grisham and Rice but they just aren't good enough--in Rice's case, yet (I hope). Grisham was doing better when he played a lot more, but if they can't give him the games, forget it. And we have at least two bullpen guys who should be replaced, easy. Marinan, Manischewirz, Hammy, Effross, Burdi, Trivino, Kahnle, Gil might work as the bullpen. Maybe Weaver if they can give him a decent rest. 

Aside from Schmidt, we're fucked for any replacement starters. There's Cole then throw the dice.

I assume everyone here is as smart as or smarter than me, so maybe there are better ideas. Fuck if I know.

Of course, aside from the guys coming back from injuries, we can't count on Cashman to do anything else. He'll bring up Jasson September 1st, but will he play much? Not if he looks like he did on Little League day. We may yet see Greg Allen.

Bring these guys up:

  • Ron Marinaccio
  • Anthony Misiewicz 
  • Caleb Durbin
  • Spencer Jones 
  • Jasson Domínguez

Rehabbing (and not fast enough, but not too much longer for most):

  • Nick Burdi
  • Scott Effross
  • Ian Hamilton
  • Clark Schmidt
  • Anthony Rizzo
  • Lou Trivino
  • Jon Berti (though I could wait with him, tbh)


Rufus T. Firefly said...

Play the kids. Might help for next year (if Ca$hole can keep from doing Ca$h things).

This year with any combo of those players, the best we can hope for is Yankees win the Selig memorial best wildcard team participation trophy.

AboveAverage said...


(Please - sing along)

Strow, strow, strow your bloat,

Ineffectively against the other team,

Tragically, horribly, stupidly, lazily

Don’t you wanna scream .

BTR999 said...

Sloppy start to today’s game.

JM said...


JM said...

Maybe we can keep from being Stromanized today. Hope so, we've got nothin' in the pen.

JM said...

Out of all the bums in the bullpen, why DFA Tonkin? He was actually effective a number of times. But they keep the walking dead.

AboveAverage said...

Five OH 4 Judge!

They DFA’d Tonkin because they’re the Cashman Yankees

JM said...

Holy cow! DJ got a hit!

JM said...

Torres gets a hit. Wtf?

JM said...

Tonkin turned out to be one of the better rejects.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

FYI, streaming is free for today's game on mlb live-stream

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Tonkin will likely accept a Scranton shuttle assignment.

BTR999 said...

Yeah, I was OK with Tonkin, maybe they think they can sneak him through wavers and put him at SWB. There’s a big roster crunch coming.

JM said...

I've noticed the crowd thinning here during recent games. Or is it just the weekend?

JM said...

Forgot Poteet. He might be useful.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

JM, probably just two crappy teams playing. Unless you want to see two guys hit between 2 1/2 innings of boring baseball, no reason to go to the mall on a nice day.

JM said...

Ump should go to the hospital.

AboveAverage said...

I wasn’t watching - did the umpire go into labor…?

JM said...

Stanton's bat broke off at the handle, and the large part came around and hit the ump in the mask and went around and hit the back of his head. Looked bad.

JM said...

Don't know how he wasn't out cold.

AboveAverage said...

Sounds really unpleasant. Did the show the replays in Yes-Mo, I mean Super Shot?

DickAllen said...

The Intern can, and will, do whatever he wants. It’s amazing the Yankees are doing as well as they are, but with a real GM, they would , and should be light years ahead of the rest of the AL. As it is, they’ll still crap out in the playoffs once again

But you know what? I don’t care. Watching Judhe every day makes it all worthwhile.

As someone (more than once) so eloquently said: “Fuck Hal, fuck the intern and fuck booooooone.

JM said...


JM said...


JM said...


JM said...

Holy shit.

DickAllen said...

JM, you took the words right out of my mouth

DickAllen said...

then we have to watch the rest of this lineup

JM said...

That was incredible. Wow.

Mildred Lopez said...

That works

Hinkey Haines said...

This was Cashman’s wet dream at the start of the season. Too bad it hasn’t happened very often ( at at all) …

BTR999 said...

The Elites might be at the Wall of Candy Hoss Wrote about

JM said...

DJ another hit.

BTR999 said...

Maybe Judge will get another AB?

BTR999 said...

He will

DickAllen said...

The YES propaganda machine is hyping the Yankees hitting machine. Lets not forget they're playing against the worst pitching staff in MLB.

DickAllen said...

The Rockies should be relegated

JM said...

Oh shit, they're going to re-sign Torres.

BTR999 said...

If they IBB Judge the crowd may go apeshit

Joe Formerlyof Brooklyn said...

Forget where this game will end up. We have to provide Kudos to the Rockies, for taking 1 out of 3 games in the Bronx from a team with one of the best records in baseball.

Note: In addition to the NYYs, I am a Nationals' fan. I watched as the city stole the team, got some players -- got Juan Soto! -- and won a championship.

I also went to a game in DC recently (I no longer live there). I'm an old guy, so I think I can see more in person than on the TV. Among other things, the positioning of the players, the body language of the pitchers, how hard the batters run to first, who backs up the right base (and who does not) -- etc.

I realize I am giving ME more credit than I deserve. Don't I get something for living this learn (i.e., the right to self-idolize) . . . ?

ANYWAY: The Nationals suck right now. I hope to heck they aren't going to steal a game or two in the Bronx . . .

Joe Formerlyof Brooklyn said... this LONG

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win…

Hinkey Haines said...

In 2022, Judge hit his 50th HR on August 29. It’s August 25, & heyup to 51.

JM said...

Watch for Judge and Soto, suffer the bullpen and other hitters.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

"Judge joined Babe Ruth, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Alex Rodriguez as the only players with three 50-homer seasons." From Pravda, er... I mean mlb.

Judge joined Babe as the only players with three clean 50 homer seasons.


AboveAverage said...

That was fairly impressive

AboveAverage said...

Better than an Australian Margarita

Kevin said...

The "Fly"