Wednesday, August 7, 2024

LOOK! Its a Double Header !!!



DickAllen said...

I remember the days when the Angels were a team to be feared

JM said...

I remember when Ray Milland didn't have to do shit like that.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees off to good start…

AboveAverage said...

Thankfully Ray Milland no longer has to do much of anything . . . liked him better in Frogs, to be honest.

JM said...

Wow, Frogs. He did so much good work in the thirties and forties. Good actor, great range.

JM said...

I think we can beat these guys.

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Jesus, couldn't get a run in? Sad.

JM said...

Fucking Gil and his control issues. In the playoffs, they'll crucify him.

Pocono Steve said...

Woo hoo!

Stang said...

X: The Man With the X-Ray Eyes is my idea of primo Milland.

Stang said...

And don't look now, but this minute a certain team I won't name has the best record in baseball. One more win than the Phillies, tied in losses.

Stang said...

Well, that "best" business is flying out the window.

TheWinWarblist said...

And things were going so well ...

Pocono Steve said...


AboveAverage said...

I blame Rosey Grier for everything that happens in the second game

AboveAverage said...

It’s only seven runs - three Judge Home Runs and we’ll be back in there

ranger_lp said...

Warren is the sacrificial lamb…

BTR999 said...

Well, when you trade away most of your young pitching, dregs is what you have left. Hope that’s the last we see of him.

Carl J. Weitz said...

"The Man with Two Heads" was kinda funny, but overall, one of the worst ever made. Now, contrast that with Milland starring in one of the better baseball movies ever made, "It Happens Every Spring". As a college professor, Ray accidentally develops a liquid that repels wood. He then shows up for an MLB tryout as a pitcher. Even though he's in his late-40's, no one can hit him because of the anti-wood formula with which he coats the ball. Of course, currently with the umps randomly checking the baseball for foreign substances, he'd never make it through one game.

BTR999 said...

The team quickly gave up after they fell behind. Not that Boone gives a shit,

AboveAverage said...

Boone cares for all of us….me….you….everyone

TheWinWarblist said...

So do my tapeworms.

TheWinWarblist said...

It's all still in front of us.

AboveAverage said...

Your tape worm? Of course it is

edb said...

Imagine a two headed moster of Cashman and Boone.