Monday, August 12, 2024

Happy 49er Day!


No, not this guy, or the football players.

This morning's standings show that every single team in the major leagues has now lost at least 49 games. 

Why is this significant? 

It means that no team can possibly surpass the 1998 Greatest Team Ever We Were Alive To See Them Yahoo And This Will Keep Us Warm In Our Old Age Of Otherwise Bitter Fandom Disappointment New York Yankees.

Those Yankees, you will recall, won a record 125 games, regular season and postseason combined. They took 114 games during the campaign, then 11 more in October. 

Nobody has ever done that. Not the 1906 Chicago Cubs—106-46 in the regular season, but only 2-4 in the World Series—or the 2001 Seattle Mariners (116-46 April-September, but only 4-6, in the American League playoffs).

Nope. Once you reach 49 losses, you can only win 113 regular-season games, which means only 124 total, one short of the 1998 GTEWWATSTYATWKUWIOOOOBFDNYY.

(I know, I know: Theoretically, a team could win 113 regular-season games, come in second, third, or even fourth in their division, then win 13 postseason games as a wild card—the way the Texas Rangers did last year. That would give them 126, total. But the odds against that happening—winning 113 and NOT finishing first—are so surpassingly great that I don't want to hear anything from you mathematically inclined hockey pucks.)

Happy 49er day. Raise a toast to the team with the most—especially when it came to the bullpen.

We shall not see their likes again.


Joe Formerlyof Brooklyn said...

I believe in a strict rule: The Yankees must never lose to the White Sox unless the Sox have Harold Baines playing for them.

BTR999 said...

2nd & 3rd, no outs…3 weak pop outs, including awful swings by swells and Torres

Kevin said...

Helluva throw by Vertigo!

Pocono Steve said...

They've already lost as far as I'm concerned.

Pocono Steve said...

What a garbage team.

Kevin said...

The horror, the horror....

Scottish Yankee fan said...

It is 2.30am here
I have work in 5 hours time
I am a prize edjit for staying up this late to watch this clownshow
I am away to bed and I hope to wake up to a comeback win
HA ha fat chance!

ranger_lp said...

Didn’t Chicago lose like30 games in a row?

BTR999 said...

What does it mean if your worse than the worst?

Hinkey Haines said...

The White Sox are on pace to lose the most games in a season. The Yankees are tied with a few teams for the fewest losses (to date) this season. What do they have in common? Neither will win a playoff game this season.

TheWinWarblist said...

Please please please please make it stop.

TheWinWarblist said...

NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AboveAverage said...

This will unfortunately be our painful loss that I predicted way, way earlier in the day.

HEY HOSS - Really liked your post - but I am unsure why. Hopefully I can resolve this disturbing uncertainty. STILL - lovely post.

Tomorrow will be either the dominant victory or squeaky win.

Perhaps it will instead be the "end of the world as we know it"

Either way - I'll feel fine*

*but a tad bit pissed at Hal, Cash and Boone's Farm

13bit said...

This is the team of the century. Lock stock and barrel, created by Brian.

AboveAverage said...

Witch Century, BittEe?

AboveAverage said...

12-2 ~ Twelve to Two ~ Whatcha gunna do ~ Whilst Cash and Hal get it on and Boone blinks at the stars.

Ugh I say ~ UGH

BTR999 said...

Anything I post right now will just devolve into random profanity, grunting, and loud noises

HoraceClarke66 said...

Words fail me.

Thanks for the good word, AA. And good call on this series. I have to say, when I read it, I thought, 'Damn, that sounds all too right.'

That's the sort of series that this rancid team of slackers has played all too often this season.

HoraceClarke66 said...

16 men left on base? More awful pitching?

Sorry Aaron Boone, but this is the moment to go ballistic. This is the moment to flip over the postgame buffet table (even if it does include lobster tails and filet mignon these days). This is the moment to throw several fits.

This is the moment to tell the media that, frankly, you're disappointed with this team. That you feel they quit too often in games. That you feel they need to wake up and play the whole night, every night.

If Aaron Boone were to do anything like that, I think it might actually shock these noodniks into waking up, at least for a week or so.

But he won't. Fuck him—and fuck them. I miss the Olympics!

Kevin said...

If everyone were healthy, and let's say that they have as much talent as any team in baseball. Could they win a ring? I can't see it. They are coddled, soft lads lacking the killer instinct and the nerve to want the chance to be the hero. Well most of them. How many of their defenders do you want the ball hit to in a tight game? Or up at the plate, or pitching? Probably not more than five guys. The "Torre Teams", while Verrry talented were more than about mere talent, they were mentally tough, didn't make the dumb mistake, they won by being mentally tougher than the rest of baseball. Meanwhile we have a kind, decent manager who finds it difficult to put a weed up a player's ass for not paying attention to detail, not having any sense of anticipation. Just watch a college girls softball tournament and compare their fundamentals to the Yankees. Not even close. It's strange that a man like Boone, a third generation major leaguer would not understand the psychological aspects of the game more deeply. And that his teams are so fundamentally poor.

JM said...

Hey, how about that De Los Santos? Can the Brain pick 'em or what?

13bit said...

Boone needs a therapist to change that behavior. Brian needs a brain transplant. Hal needs a heart, like in the Wizard of Oz. I need some Bromo Seltzer.

Scottish Yankee fan said...

12 feckin 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I foolishly went to bed expecting a comeback

When is someone anyone going to be held to account for the shambles this organisation has become?

Publius said...

Will we see Jazz again this year? Or Gil? He looks like he hit a wall.