Tuesday, August 6, 2024

An Above Average Haiku Tuesday - "Like a Good Neighbor" - Edition



HoraceClarke66 said...

Excellent, AA! But there is no cure—only the end of the season, and his contract. When—even money—Cashman re-signs him.

TheWinWarblist said...

Exactly. A chronic and incurable condition with little effective palliative therapy available.

AboveAverage said...

then perhaps there is only O N E cure . . .

Carl J. Weitz said...

Paging Warby's favorite doctor to the Yankee clubhouse: "Dr. Kevorkian to the Yankees clubhouse for immediate player intervention -STAT!"

acrilly said...

We are in first place,
can’t say it feels any good,
DJ, Gleyber, Holmes

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

Nice one, Acrilly