Sunday, August 4, 2024

Game Thread: It's Eli Manning Bobblehead Day!


It's also hot and humid as hell!


JM said...

Judge swung at ball four. Everything outside or on the corner.

BTR999 said...

Absolutely can’t stand the pitch framing bullshit. Would sign up for the ASZ tomorrow

BTR999 said...

Another RISP failure

Pocono Steve said...

Possibly their last of the day. They're going to golf at that slider all day.

Pocono Steve said...

Girardi's on fire with the excuses today. --why the HP ump had to miss ball four against Judge. Why Cole can't pitch after 10 days rest

JM said...


JM said...

Our ace is reduced to a Jack. Maybe a 9.

JM said...

They won't pitch to Judge.

ranger_lp said...

Stanton…bases loaded..two outs…time for a bio break…

Pocono Steve said...

Striking himself out here.

Pocono Steve said...

Feeble-assed AB.

BTR999 said...

Another clutch Stanton AB,
Give him enough AB’s, he’ll lead the league in RISP, esp with Soto / Judge in front of him

JM said...

Getting late early.

JM said...


JM said...

Tied. Nice getting the runners in.

JM said...

Soto is a dramatic guy.

Pocono Steve said...

Juju gods wanted me listening to not watching today's game.

JM said...

One run lead. Boone will bring in Holmes. We lose.

JM said...

Kahnle needs to get past Vlad the Pineapple Impaler.

Doug K. said...

CFers ball!

JM said...

Jesus, why are we walking guys who can't hit? This is fucking maddening.

JM said...

And heeeeere's Holmesy!

We are so dead.

ranger_lp said...

Not boding well…

Doug K. said...

There is no way this works out

there you go. Tie

Doug K. said...

Lots of thunder outside.

ranger_lp said...

Where is Brett Philips? Is he in the minors?

Doug K. said...

well the game is in delay

AboveAverage said...

Da Yankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Win!

AboveAverage said...

Especially sweet given all that monkey business employed by the Blue Jays placement of their fielders

Pocono Steve said...

Woo hoo!

13bit said...

We're making money.
Attendance is great.
Selling lots of great food and swag.
We're going to be in the playoffs.
They're just a crapshoot, as we all know.
So everything is great!
Everybody gets a trophy.
Brian is a genius.
Boone is one of the greats
Hal is the model of a great owner
I cannot complain.
Only an asshole would complain.

13bit said...

If I'm blinking SOS with my eyelids in the video, ignore it...

TheWinWarblist said...

I'll just screaming. We sold our practice and I have to learn the new practice's system. Which is annoying.

AboveAverage said...

A win is a win
A little less gin
Perhaps a bottle of beer
To extend our collective cheer