Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Joba Code: Chamberlain should be the subject of Dan Brown's next thriller

It's The DiMaggio Code... all over.

What mysterious fate is Joe Girardi -- Grand Pooh of the St. Yogi Chapter of the Knights Templar Church of Infinite Yankeedom -- plotting for young Joba Chamberlain?

Joba starts... pitches a few minutes... comes out. It's something about innings. It's something about October. Maybe it's something about the way he smiles. Beats me. Maybe Girardi has a fantasy baseball team, and he wants wins for Alfredo Aceves.

Dan Brown could decipher. He'd have Tom Hanks and the French chick digging up the old stadium, twirling Lou Gehrig's jockstrap DNA in a centrifuge until it separates into four Jim Spencers and three Kevin Maases. Wait: Maybe this has something to do with Joba's number! 62. Sixty-two -- the tenth number of the aliquot sequence. (62,34,20,22,14,10,8,7,1,0) As in 62 pitches per night. Or 1962... the year Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points against the Knicks! Two times 31. Three one. Three innings, three strikes, three bases, Father son and Holy Gh-GOOD GOD! The Yankee Holy Trinity! THAT'S IT! IT'S THE YANKEE HOLY FRIKKIN TRINITY -- which is --

WTF? What IS the Yankee Holy Trinity?

OK... don't get flustered, Duque. Think: It's... The Babe... The Clipper and The Mick...

Or is it... Babe... Mick and Yogi?


What about Jeet?

We may be seeing a seismic change in the fundamental order of Yankee Gods.

What about Joba? Is it a pitch count thing, an innings thing, or something glandular? Does Dave "Mysterious" Eilland see something in his delivery -- the strain of a calf muscle or the pursing of lips -- which then prompts a 15-second call to the bullpen?

By the way, a 15-minute call after the game -- can save you 15 percent or more on your car insurance. Call 1-800-947-auto, 1-800-947-A-U-T-O.

We need Dan Brown. We need top Yankeeologists. Wait: Didn't I read somewhere that he's a Redsock fan?


dadlak said...

Gehrig must be in there somewhere. I've written extensively on this subject - or at least on the subject of the Yankees and Christian iconography.

Anonymous said...