Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today In Sports: Tea Party Patriots Demand Their Own NASCAR

“I have designed and entered a Tea Party car to be featured at the All Star race 2010. It features the Gadsen flag and is named "No Tread." It needs votes to make a showing, and I am trying to get a grassroots effort to make that happen. We were hanging in the top tier until just today. Normally I would not beg like this, but apparently there is now a union sponsored car that got something like 200,000 votes in one day. Not sure we could match that, but all I can do is try.”

“It can be seen here: It is an easy vote and you don't have to register. You can vote once a day for the next 13 days. Can anyone help us make a showing on national television? Please pass it around to everyone you know. I know it has been on freeper as well, so it is getting some attention.”

“I really appreciate it.”
Please VOTE to enter “Don’t Tread on Me” car in NASCAR


Rob said...

lol @ tea baggers.

Anonymous said...

A Camry? I guess sudden acceleration would be good on the Nascar track.

I'm Bill White said...

I'll never forget the first time I saw the Gasden flag: a tatoo on Superfrankenstein's bicep. The snake looked like it was moving when he flexed.