Tuesday, July 9, 2024




ZacharyA said...

The Yankees have stolen THREE bases in the last calendar month.


You'd think with the offense scuffling, they'd be a little more aggressive on the bases. Try to get something going. But the Yankees have the fewest stolen base attempts of any team in baseball over the last calendar month.

I guess when Volpe isn't getting on base, they just have no one else who can run. So we just abandon that part of the game.

Remember when the bigger bases and new pickoff rules were supposed to encourage more stolen bases? Well, that's happening for most teams. But not the Yankees. Still old and slow. Station to station baseball.

Doug K. said...

AA - perfection all around!

Doug K. said...

Yanks no longer steal.
Cowardly on the base paths?
Or do they just suck?

JM said...

Me, I'm just a lawnmower. You can tell me by the way I walk.

BTR999 said...

Listening to Kay twist himself in knots trying to defend the Yankee’s modus operandi would be funny if it wasn’t sad. His denouement? Fans “don’t understand”. He did opine that if the Yanks do make the WC but lose in the first round that Boone would be out.

Boone’s contract has an option for next year, so the team could simply walk away from it. My opinion is they don’t really want to that, but might be willing to do so as a window dressing type move. It’s obvious what qualities they want in a manager, so any replacement for Boone would be about the same, perhaps more articulate, but just as complacent. It would be great if the next manager would snap and burst into Cashman’s office like Ensign Pulver in Mr. Roberts: “It is I, Manager ( insert name )! Now - what’s all this crap about no LH hitting this season?”

AboveAverage said...

Thanks Doug that was kind

Your Haiku wasn't eye poo

The Yankees do suck

13bit said...

Michael Kay the tool

Drowning in his viscous drool

Shimmering bullshit

JM said...

Rodent giving up hit after hit, no outs.

Fucking fucker.

JM said...

Oh Christ.

JM said...

Disaster signing.

Doug K. said...

Why do we even bother?

Doug K. said...

Oh and trade Rodon Pay 1/2. Pay it all just get him out of NY.

AboveAverage said...

Why do we bother

How bad must things get before

The shit hits the fan

JM said...

We are so so fucked

Judge and Soto, please hit

If not we lose more

AboveAverage said...

A tip of the Palm Springs cap to JM!

Celerino Sanchez said...

I think Ca$h should explore an extension with Rondon, they only have him for another 4 1/2 years

Doug K. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doug K. said...

JM Soto loafed after the foul ball. He is a beaten man.
DJ looked like he was eight years old on that play down the line.

Where's the manager?

DickAllen said...

Boooone will have a job for life because The Intern speaks the same language. Here’s what he had to say about this slump and the slumps of the past two years:

“I think every year is different,” Cashman said. “I think those teams are different and some of the issues are different.”

The bullshit is knee deep in Yankeeland.

Doug K. said...

Kaiser: "What's that smell?
It's this Yankee game... It stinks!"
Not My Fav'rite Year.

JM said...

A great movie.

JM said...

Oh Carlos you bum

One bad inning sinks us

So very much dough

JM said...

"Alan Swann is beneath us!"

"Of course he's beneath us, he's an actor."

AboveAverage said...

Knee deep doesn’t cover it.

I believe they’re up to their chinny chin chins in it.

AboveAverage said...

Top of Five one Run

Great job guys really well done

And we got the dudes

DickAllen said...

What’s really sad AA is that it’s the same movie every year and these morons have all kinds of excuses to deny what is obvious to even the casual watcher, much less the fanatics in this blog. The Intern either can’t see it or won’t, and I don’t know which is worse.

AboveAverage said...

Had Gleyber snapped that tag they may have gotten the runner

JM said...

Rice Rice baby!!!

Doug K. said...

It's the SAME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

They go down big early. They come back but not enough to take the lead. They fall short!!

JM said...

Which makes me think, maybe they'd do better with Bill Veeck's midget.

JM said...

Insurance run sinks it.

Doug K. said...


Rufus T. Firefly said...

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

same as it ever was.

Same as it ever was.

Doug K. said...

It's. The. Same. Game.

and Soto is a broken man.

They were the best of teams.
They were the worst of teams
but mostly... they suck.

JM said...

They really truly suck.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Same as it EVER was.

Publius said...

Groundhog day

BTR999 said...

Whatta shitshow

AboveAverage said...


what's that smell

AboveAverage said...

The MAN shares his THOUGHTS ! ! !


AboveAverage said...

The boy Genius (FINALLY) speaks! :


HoraceClarke66 said...

"The ball's gotta start bouncing our way..."

Right. That's the problem. As we've all seen, the Yankees have done nothing but whack wicked line drives that, somehow, are always hit directly to opposing fielders. Their every pitch is an amazing, torqued fastball that, somehow, hits a loose pebble on the infield and bounces over the head of our boys.

The nonsense never stops.

AboveAverage said...

Exactly, Hoss.

Spot on, Sir